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Starfield Direct: all the news revealed during the event

The Microsoft direct dedicated to Starfield was recently held and in this article you can find all the main news revealed during the event

Starfield definitely is one of the most anticipated video games ever and this Microsoft he knows it well since he has decided to dedicate an entire showcase to almost an hour only to him. During this great event we witnessed some long sequences of gameplay and of course many were also revealed new information on Bethesda stock. If you haven’t had the opportunity to follow Starfield’s direct live, you can find them all in this article the main novelties unveiled during the event.

Exploration and Freedom | Starfield Direct: all the news

Starfield is a game where the freedom it’s really important and during the direct the developers really focused on this aspect. In fact, from the very beginning of the presentation it was immediately made clear that the player will be able to continue in your adventure freely from the beginning. Obviously there is one main quest that it is possible to carry out to reach an “finale”, but if desired the player will be free to put it in the background for follow your goals.

In fact, during your trip you will have the opportunity to come across a large number of interesting individuals that may end up involving you in their stories. Some of these characters might join you on your journeywhile others may ask you to take part in side missions the outcome of which will be influenced by your choices.

Another very important aspect of Starfield that was discussed a lot during this event is the exploration. In fact, in this title it will be possible to really explore an infinity of planets different and each of them will have its own particularities. Some of these worlds will be desolate and lifelessothers may be teeming with alien creatures never seen before, while still others may hide dangers unexpected. Also in the game there are also a large number of civilized settlements which are teeming with other human beings intent on going about their daily lives.

Starfield Direct: all the news revealed during the event

Character Creation and Combat| Starfield Direct: all the news

During the direct, the developers also talked about some elements related to the character creation. In addition to having been able to see the new in action editor in fact we were also able to deepen the new features related to the background of your protagonist. In fact, during the creation of the character you will be able to select gods traits which will affect your adventure in several ways. For example they can offer you new dialogue options with certain characters, gameplay advantages and unique interactions under certain circumstances.

Another aspect of the game that has finally been explored more is the combat system. Finally, in fact, we were able to witness very substantial gameplay sequences in which our protagonist was intent on fight creatures of different kinds. Fights now seem to be a lot more dynamic and interactive compared to Bethesda’s previous works and will adapt very well to different styles of play of each player.

Starfield Direct: all the news revealed during the event

Starships and Space Battles | Starfield Direct: all the news

Furthermore, in this direct we have finally spoken in more detail about everything that revolves around yours spaceship. In fact, during the presentation we were able to see how players will have the opportunity to freely customize your spaceship. This means that not only will you be able to modify things like the interior and the arsenal, but also the entire layout of the spaceship.

In addition to the customization we were also able to witness some space fights. Dogfights seem to be really a lot fun and frenzied, but apparently it is also possible to face opponents with very unorthodox approaches. For example, if you want you can boarding enemy spaceships and eliminate all crew members from within. This way the enemy ship won’t be damaged and you can even impossessarvene to add it to your fleet.

Starfield Direct: all the news revealed during the event

A space game

These are some of the main news that we could see in the direct dedicated to Starfield. But if you want to know even more about what was shown this evening, you can find it at the head of the article video of the full conference.

Starfield will be available September 6 for PC and Xbox Series X | St. If you are interested in staying up to date on all the news on the world of video games and much more, then continue to follow us here on Furthermore, in case you want to buy some games at an advantageous price, we suggest you take a look at the many offers on Kinguin.