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Starfield: How to Change Ships

In this new guide dedicated to Starfield we will explain how to change your ship quickly and easily

Throughout Starfield the nave space will be your main one means of transport and refuge between the exploration of one planet and another. The first spaceship you are given at the start of the game does its job, but after a short time you will start to feel the need to something more powerful. To help you find a new aircraft we have therefore decided to write this guide, where we will explain how to change ships on Starfield quickly and easily.

Starfield: How to Change Ships

Finding a new spaceship | Starfield: How to Change Ships

First we want to explain how to do it get a new spaceship. Fortunately Starfield is a game that really offers a lot freedom to players and consequently you will have many different methods to find one. Below you can find all the main methods by which to obtain a new ship su Starfield:

  • Buy a ship
    • Obviously the simplest and most banal method to get a new ship is to buy one. Spaceships can be sold by many of the different vendors present in the cities, but to buy one quickly and easily you can talk to one of the technicians who are usually found near the landing points.
  • Get a ship as a reward
    • A slightly less reliable method of obtaining a new ship is to receive it as a reward at the end of a mission.
  • Finding an abandoned ship
    • Sometimes while exploring space and planets you may come across abandoned spaceships. With no owner standing between you and your new vessel, you can easily claim any ownerless ships you find.
  • Steal a ship
    • If some NPC is in possession of a particularly nice spaceship you can always use the hard way to take control of it. If the vessel in question belongs to non-hostile characters you will just have to board their vessel and exterminate all the crew members, but if the ship is hostile you will have to work a little harder. In these cases, in fact, you will first have to disable the ship’s engines with your weapons and then board them and kill the crew. If you want to know more, here you can find a guide dedicated to the theft of spaceships.

Starfield: How to Change Ships

Switch from one medium to another | Starfield: How to Change Ships

Now that you’ve got yourself a new vehicle, it’s time to set it as your primary ship. To do this you just need to find one of the technicians present near the landing points of the cities, talk to him and then select the option “I would like to see and modify my ships”.

Once this is done you will be able to access a screen where all the spaceships you own are present. Here you just need to select the ship you want to use and press the buttonY” (or “C” on PC) for set it as your home ship. In this way you will have a new main spaceship that will be used automatically to travel between one planet and another.

Starfield: How to Change Ships

Tips | Starfield: How to Change Ships

Before moving from one ship to another we want to talk to you about some things to watch out for. First of all, know that moving from a larger ship to a smaller one some of your crew members may be removed. For this reason, every time you change ships we advise you to check that none of the best members are left stranded.

It is also important to remember that even if you have obtained a ship and set it as your home, It doesn’t mean you can use it. The best spaceships in fact require a certain level of piloting before they can be used. Before changing ships we therefore advise you to make sure that the relevant skill is sufficiently developed.

Starfield: How to Change Ships

Ready to go!

This concludes our article on how to change ships in Starfield. Now all you have to do is select the spaceship you prefer and set off towards the heavens. Our article is finished but, if you are interested in learning more about Bethesda’s latest RPGbelow you can find many others guide dedicate a Starfield:

Starfield is available now for PC and Xbox Series S. If this guide has been useful to you and you are interested in staying updated on all the news in the world of video games and much more, continue to follow us here on Furthermore, if you want to purchase some games at an advantageous price, we suggest you take a look at the many offers on Instant Gaming.