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Starfield: tips and tricks for survival in deep space

In space, no one can hear our advice, but you can: here are Starfield’s green-tinged cosmos survival tricks

With such a big game like Starfield and with its factions, star systems, and storytelling, it’s common to serve gods tricks and gods advice to figure it out. (Dejà vu?) After all, this is how it is done in Bethesda Game Studios, but also by the standards of the development team here it goes far beyond. And now that we are in the hottest period for the title, we thought it would be useful to gather some suggestions to acclimatize as it should in the cosmic colonies of the game. Because while it’s true that no one in space can hear you scratching your head, that’s no reason to find yourself scratching your head. Or something like that, really.

Double bottom pockets, getting started | Starfield tips and tricks

The tips always focus on getting the best knick-knacks at the start of the game, but in Starfield it’s of little use without the cheats to bring as much of it as possible. Unfortunately it is not a Pokémon title (crazy exceptions permitting), and therefore your inventory will be limited. There are many skills to invest in, but we would recommend the weightlifting nell’skill tree (branch of physicist, to be precise). The first upgrade alone will add ten kilos more, while the second raises the bar by 25. Both are used to start off on the right foot, especially if you want to sell the treasures you have found around.

Starfield: tips and tricks for survival in deep space

“Mantié” | Starfield tips and tricks

On the other hand, why transport tons of stuff when a donkey can do it for you? Well yes: as Bethesda commands, there are always i companions. If you have already exceeded your inventory limit in the middle of the mission, do not hesitate and open a dialogue with your allies to carry the heaviest tools on their shoulders (the ones you don’t use, at least). To make things easier, be sure to arrange the instruments in order of weight by clicking the left analog stick. Or maybe you want to make it easier on a moral level… in which case, do some self-examination and ignore the conclusion you have reached. Go on!

Starfield: tips and tricks for survival in deep space

The Planet Express shuttle | Starfield tips and tricks

Of course, the shuttle that whisks you to every dark corner of the cosmos has no problem accommodating anything your pockets can’t hold. In an equally natural way, however, the space available to you is anything but infinite. Nothing to pull your hair out about, though: extra space can be added as far as the ship is concerned, too. If you have enough money, talk to the technicians available in any spaceport. Once you reach the shuttle editor, you can add extra holds. And even if you overdo it, the end result should have no trouble taking off. Let’s hope so.

Starfield: tips and tricks for survival in deep space

I ask for shield | Starfield tips and tricks

So that we are talking about the hold, know that in the game there is also the concept of smuggling. So yes, certain items are illegal in some territories, which means that when you enter a certain star system, you might go through the scanner. It goes without saying that, of course, it is possible to implement both of the holds equipped with shields what gods devices to block the signal. Each of which will increase your chances of getting away with it by 10%. All this can be implemented at the technician… key for the pirates of the crimson fleet (Crimson Fleet in English), known as The Key.

Starfield: tips and tricks for survival in deep space

“Nice watch!” | Starfield tips and tricks

If, again, you hang out at Bethesda Game Studios’ output you should be familiar with the noble art of theft. In the enrichment guide we did not fail to mention the hobby of grave robbers, but the skill tree also allows you to invest in two branches: safety in the branch technologicale theft in that social. All this translates into, respectively, rummaging in other people’s pockets and picking the locks. This will give you more options with the various objectives of the different quests, but of course we know very well what the primary use of your powers will be. Arm yourself gods digipick necessary to pick the locks: you can find them both from sellers and, more simply, around.

Starfield: tips and tricks for survival in deep space

Better than Saul Goodman | Starfield tips and tricks

If you prefer to play pacifistic, Starfield gives you other options to progress. And the most precious skill to avoid clashes is that persuasive. You can find it, of course, inskill tree (branch social, in case) and, unlocking all four levels, you will hardly get caught during a conversation. If you want a non-offensive starting point to make things easier for you, the Persuasion is the statistic for you. Not to mention, then, that social skills even include corruption. Just make sure you don’t waste the chip linked to your persuasive skills: when you load it during a conversation, keep it aside in case of more difficult conversations.

Starfield: tips and tricks for survival in deep space

When do you buy ninety-nine potions tests | Starfield tips and tricks

We shouldn’t specify this, but we will anyway. Healing items such as i Medikit they are a real boon from the cosmos. However, there aren’t as many around as you’d expect, which is why we’d recommend you stock up whenever you pass by one clinic or one healthcare facility. If we can then make an encore of suggestions, set this kind of tools as a favorite: by doing this you will save several minutes of searching in the inventory. Which may be fun the first time, but the sixteenth time it can get more boring than Todd Howard would expect.

Starfield: tips and tricks for survival in deep space

Everything under control | Starfield tips and tricks

Now let’s move on to two golden tips. The first: if the scan is associated with the shoulder buttons on the left, there must be a reason too. Do it often and you will have less headaches when exploring, figuring out where to go, taking inventory of the planet and, why not, even finding junk to sell. Then, let’s also talk about companions. In addition to treating them like pack mules, talk to them often to know how they are doing. You may unlock personal quests! In any case, the game itself will not fail to remind you of this in your diary with a notification in the Activity section. And speaking of that, we should…

Starfield: tips and tricks for survival in deep space

… talk about activities | Starfield tips and tricks

The quests are certainly not lacking, from the smallest ones such as eavesdropping on NPCs. In this case, the development team has done its utmost to remind us that joys are sometimes even in the little things. The voice Activity it’s not there for beauty, so don’t ignore it; you might be missing out on juicy rewards. Similarly, the bulletin board missions should not be ignored, regardless of the faction who assigns them. Whether it’s guarding a planet or taking down a ship, there’s always some profit to be made. And, automatically, that makes them more important than you might have thought otherwise. Because we know very well that you would.

Starfield: tips and tricks for survival in deep space

A crew equipped with attributes | Starfield tips and tricks

Aside from our middle school title, the fact remains that this title allows you to recruit dogs and pigs without everyone being able to get on the ship (there’s no room, with all that contraband!), so you’ll have to establish who travels with you and who stays at the outposts you have made your own. In matters of ship’s crew, mind the attributes of everyone. Members skilled in iron and steel will make sparks with the ship’s engines, while those who know how to juggle the management of the outposts should stay there. And if you don’t believe us, try the opposite: We won’t tell anyone about the shuttle explosion.

Starfield: tips and tricks for survival in deep space

“Save often, save now!”

A good old NRU mantra that falls into the Valhalla of all gaming advice, but the last of our Starfield cheats today is to opt for the quick save of the game just before every important conversation. Of course, for some it will be like “cheating”. For everyone else, the game has no intention of preventing abuse of its bounty, so…well, abuse it all you want. You never know when you’ll have to recharge the persuasion chip you just wasted, after all. And the NPCs won’t notice a thing. After all, with a game this big…

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