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Tech conspiracies 2021: the most absurd and funny theories

At least once in your life, especially in the last year, you will have read a hoax on the web about some plot that was starting to take hold, often inherent in technology; or to talk to a relative – almost always the elderly uncle who has always had little credible theories – who tells you that Covid-19 is spreading through 5G and that the goal “upstairs” is to control us all. We have decided to collect the most absurd tech plots of 2021 analyzing them and laughing a little about them: after all, irony is the solution to many things.

Tech conspiracies 2021: 5G harms the health of human beings and beyond

5G Facebook Google

One of conspiracy theories most famous in the technology sector are 5G: it was not born in 2021, but it continues to be a much discussed topic among conspiracy theorists. In fact, although many people have not frowned upon fifth generation technology for years, with the advent of Covid-19 things got worse.

Some people believe the theory that 5G is bad for your health, decreasing the immune system and even causing death. Conspiracy theorists carry out this fake news based on the fact that 5G uses high frequencies. But this does not mean that electromagnetic emissions are harmful. Indeed, the WHO has stated that 5G emissions are absolutely not dangerous for humans.

But some people convinced of their theories absolutely do not accept reasons and do not want to change their mind, to the point of throwing in the middle even the birds. Yes, you read that correctly. In recent months, another plot has been carried out regarding the dangers of 5G and which cyclically re-emerges in fake news newspapers: the fifth generation network would have caused the death of hundreds of birds.

It all started with a YouTube video, went viral, in which lifeless birds were seen in a Dutch city. Rumors soon spread – obviously false – in which it was claimed that an experiment had been conducted in that country to test the reach of the 5G network. The consequence would therefore have been the death of many birds. The denial, if anything was needed, came after a very short time: at the time of the shooting there was no test station for 5G networks in the area and that in any case the new generation connection respects safety standards. Most likely the poor birds had eaten some poisonous berries.

Birds don’t exist

Tech Conspiracy Theories 2021 - Birds Aren't Real

For the next bird-themed conspiracy theory, you’ll have to try to hold back the laughter. The theory “Birds Aren’t Real”, as reported by The Post, argues that between 1959 and 2001 the United States government killed millions and millions of birds, completely exterminating them. Since then, those who are seen flying over our heads would be none other than of drones that the government itself uses to spy on the population. You know when you see birds resting on high voltage cables? Here, in reality the drones would be recharging, taking energy from the cables. To make the theory even more credible, fake documents and videos of the period were also shared, as well as imaginative arguments to say the least. In short, you should pay more attention the next time you see a bird flitting over your heads!

The reality is that this theory was jokingly created by Peter McIndoe. The boy decided to show up at a demonstration of Trump supporters with a sign reading “Birds Aren’t Real”, inventing this strange plot. In a short time, many people began to believe it, evidently because Peter was very convincing and knew he was going without fail among the supporters of the former President of the United States.

The social pages dedicated to this technological plot have collected about 360,000 followers on Instagram and 630,000 on TikTok, most of them aware that this is a joke theory. If history has you hooked, know that it is also available too il merchandise di Birds Aren’t Real. This includes t-shirts, hats, sweatshirts and more.

Tech conspiracies 2021: the Great Reset theory

We are moving more and more into the science fiction world, where great minds are imagined spying on human beings in order to exterminate them or to have full control over them. You may have heard of the conspiracy Grande Reset. It is a theory that is inspired by a real initiative, and which bears the same name, of the World Economic Forum (WEF) to rebuild the economy in a sustainable way after the COVID-19 pandemic. Contrary to this laudable initiative, the “Great Reset” theory argues that the “global financial elites” and world leaders have planned the pandemic, releasing the virus. All of this to create the ideal conditions to restructure world governments and take global political and economic control; with a Marxist totalitarian regime and the famous – at least among the conspiracy theorists – the New World Order.

The conspiracy theorists see a future that is anything but truthful. They argue that with the Great Reset property rights and personal property will be abolished, there would be military in cities and isolation camps for those who do not want to vaccinate. According to these individuals, Mario Draghi is also among the leaders of the Great Reset. Of course, like all of these tech conspiracies 2021, it’s pretty much science fiction. And above all, it lacks reliable evidence to even remotely believe that such a scenario could actually happen.

The Frozen cartoon designed to keep hypotheses about Walt Disney’s death at bay

The latest funny and to say the least absurd plot we want to talk to you about has to do with the Disney feature film, Frozen. After Walt Disney’s death in November 1966, some conspiracy theorists have promoted a very strange myth. According to them the body of the American director and entrepreneur would have been cryogenically frozen and stored in a hidden vault, ready for awakening in the future. Probably when science is able to cure the lung cancer he was afflicted with.

Obviously Walt Disney’s body was not preserved through cryogenic stasis, both because there are certificates stating the opposite and because this is a process that is not yet possible to adopt, as science is not that advanced. But the hilarious part is the correlation with the much loved Frozen cartoon. What would Frozen have to do with all of this? Well, according to some theories on the web Disney would have produced Frozen to target Google searches for the feature film rather than conspiracy theory. So to avoid that when searching for “Disney frozen” results on the founder of the company would come out.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.