Il trailer del Battle Pass di Apex Legends: Eclipse thumbnail

The Apex Legends: Eclipse Battle Pass Trailer

EA e Respawn Entertainment they recently released the trailer from Apex Legends: Eclipse, the latest major update now available. Eclipse introduces many incredible new features, including a new map, Destroyed Moon; the New Legend Catalyst; the new function Giftingil Battle Pass and much more.

Apex Legends: Eclipse – Battle Pass trailer, new map and more

Below is an overview of all the new and exciting content coming to Apex Legends: Eclipse.

  • New map: Moon Shattered: three decades ago, as foretold by an ancient prophecy, Cleo, the moon of Boreas was hit by a comet. On the one hand this brought debris and chaos to the world below, on the other hand, Broken Moon represented a unique opportunity to experience the terraforming technology. Players can finally explore the beauty and serenity of Eternal Gardens and of Bionomica. If they wish, they can also venture to the dark side of the moon and visit industrial sites such as the Perpetual Core and the Pier of the Demolitionists;
  • New Legend: Catalyst: give Boreas to his youth, Tressa Crystal Smith and his coven of friends prayed for and with the light of their shattered moon. But fate took her in her place when she, at fifteen, fled to join one terraformers team who worked to rebuild the moon. She became passionate about work, feeling a connection between her work with the ferrofluid eh rituals of his past. However, the unwanted arrival of the Apex Games put an end to his quiet life. She now joins the Games as a Catalyst, a Legend determined to bring about change and defend her home.
  • New feature: GiftingThere is much more to know in the game than just the story. Players can share the freshest Apex style with other players through the new gift system, which allows them to purchase packs and cosmetic items in the Shop tab for their in-game friends.

The new Battle Pass

Thanks to the new Battle Pass players can bewitch their enemies. To the level 25they can shine from the darkness like Ash with his legendary “Imperial Assailant”. Once you reach the level 50instead, they can unleash Revenant with his legendary “Mail Order Monster”.

They will also be able to bring destruction with the legendary HAVOC “Obsidian Night” assault rifle and unlock the skin epiche per Catalyst, Seer e many. Completing the Eclipse Battle Pass unlocks “Laser Eviscerator” and “Cosmic Cannon” reactive charge rifles. On the way to the top, players can earn a new music package, loading screens, emotes, frames for banners e weapon charms.

Apex Legends: Eclipse is now available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam. For more information you can consult the official site.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.