Le funzioni della fotocamera del Galaxy S22 disponibili nelle App social thumbnail

The camera functions of the S22 arrive on the older Samsung series

Samsung has introduced quite a few improvements to the camera of its Galaxy S22 series. Among these, the possibility of remove unwanted shadows and reflections from images using the Gallery App. An interesting option, which the company is ready to release on other smartphones as well. So let’s see what are the models that will be able to take advantage of the camera optimization of the brand new Samsung series.

S22: Camera functions arrive on older Samsung smartphones

These days Samsung has begun to implement an update for the Photo Editor App for Galaxy smartphones. Among them, the models Galaxy Z Fold, Galaxy Z Flip e Galaxy S, to which are added the smartphones of the Galaxy Note series with One UI 4.0 based on Android 12. But that’s not all. It would appear that some mid-range phones have received the aforementioned update as well. Therefore, to use what are the functions of the current camera of the S22 it will be necessary update the Photo Editor App from the Galaxy Store and download i plug-in Object Eraser, Reflection Eraser e Shadow Eraser.


To activate these plugins from the Samsung Gallery App, you will need to follow these steps. Open the image you want to modify using the application, click on the menu and on the item “Labs”, and then activate the switches per Share Eraser e Reflection Eraser. Press the “Back” button and then tap the “Object Eraser”. At this point, all you have to do is draw around the shadows or reflections that you want to remove from the image, and then click on the “Clear Shadows” or “Clear Reflections” button. At the moment, these features are part of Samsung Labs, which means that they are in beta development and therefore could show quite a few problems. But further improvements will undoubtedly be expected in the future.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.