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The Finals: The best weapons in the game

In this new guide dedicated to The Finals we will talk to you about what we think are some of the best weapons available at the moment

The Finals, the last one FPS free to play by Embark Studios, it is truly an excellent title and over time its playerbase is growing more and more. The title is not particularly complex but, given the great abundance of equipment available, some players may feel a little lost during the loadout customization process. To help newbies we have therefore decided to write this guide, where we will tell you about what we think they are some of the best weapons in The Finals at the moment.

The Finals: The best weapons in the game

V9S | The Finals: The best weapons in the game

First we want to start by talking about a weapon that many players certainly tend to underestimate: the V9S. This little one silenced pistol on the surface it may seem weak but, in the right hands, it is capable of easily devastating opponents.

In fact, the weapon has a pretty good power and he is capable of dealing 35 damage with a body shot and 58 with a headshot. Furthermore it also has a good rate of fire it’s a 20 round magazine which recharges in just over a second. If you are looking for a fast and easy to handle weapon to use with the light class, then the V9S certainly will not disappoint you.

The Finals: The best weapons in the game

FCAR | The Finals: The best weapons in the game

Now let’s move on to a medium weapon with the FCAR. This assault rifle It does not boast a particularly high rate of fire but it manages to compensate thanks to its power. The FCAR is in fact capable of inflicting 26 damage with a body shot and 31 with a headshot, very high values ​​for an automatic weapon. Just remember to pay attention to your ammo when using it, as the magazine of this rifle can only hold 20 rounds and charging takes a full two seconds.

The Finals: The best weapons in the game

XP-54 | The Finals: The best weapons in the game

The XP-54 is one light machine gun which will be really useful to you in battles medium-long distance. Compared to other weapons in this category, the XP-54 has a lower rate of fire, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, a lower rate of fire will allow you to succeed control the weapon with greater precisionthus giving you an advantage during ranged battles.

Furthermore, right with the FCAR, too This weapon balances low fire rate with increased firepower compared to other weapons in its category. The XP-54 indeed inflicts 18 damage with a body shot and 27 with a headshot. This high power combined with the fact that the weapon’s magazine can hold well 30 bullets it will allow you to easily devastate even more than one opponent at a time. Just be careful not to find yourself in the middle of a fight when reloading, as the animation takes almost 3 seconds to complete.

The Finals: The best weapons in the game

SA1216 | The Finals: The best weapons in the game

If you play with the heavy class and love eliminate opponents up close with extreme violence, then the SA1216 is perfect for you. This Shotgun in fact it inflicts up to 70 damage with each shot and is capable of shooting really, really fast. It also features a 16 round magazine which will allow you to continue shooting for a long time before being forced to reload.

Obviously being a shotgun its usefulness from distance is very limited but, if you find yourself in a room with a group of opponents, you won’t be able to pick up a better weapon. Just remember to always have a full magazine before jumping into a fight, since reloading the weapon takes 3 and a half seconds.

The Finals: The best weapons in the game

Flamethrower | The Finals: The best weapons in the game

Il flamethrower it is a very heavy weapon situational but at the same time powerful. The fire of this instrument is in fact capable of inflicting well 40 direct damage and will also continue to damage enemies over time. This weapon can therefore be useful for flushing out groups of enemies closed in very small areas, but not only.

The flamethrower in fact has a large number of secondary functions very useful for both you and your team. Fire indeed can completely negate the effects of gas and goo weapons, thus allowing you to nullify many extremely annoying enemy tactics. If you are looking for a tool that is fun to use and at the same time offers a big advantage to the whole teamthen the flamethrower will not disappoint you.

The Finals: The best weapons in the game

CL-40 | The Finals: The best weapons in the game

Another very useful and powerful weapon is the CL-40. This grenade launcher It has a magazine of only 4 rounds and a fairly low rate of fire, but it makes up for it thanks to the enormous radius of its explosions. Every grenade in fact deals 65 damage in a very large area, thus allowing you to hit a large number of opponents at once.

The CL-40’s greatest strength, however, is not its damage, but its destructive power. In fact, each shot will allow you to easily destroy large portions of a structurethus allowing you to expose enemies who have fortified a position.

The Finals: The best weapons in the game

Hammer | The Finals: The best weapons in the game

The hammer is very powerful close range weapon exclusive to the heavy class. This massive demolition tool is capable of dealing well 90 damage with a single shot but, even in this case, attack is not its main function. The blows of the hammer are in fact capable of knocking down the walls of buildings in an instant, thus allowing you to breach enemy defenses or open a quick escape route.

The Finals: The best weapons in the game

Sword | The Finals: The best weapons in the game

Unlike the hammer, the sword is a close range weapon designed specifically for combat. This light weapon indeed has a very high attack speed and is capable of inflicting 42 damage with a basic hit and 82 damage with a charged attack. In many situations it is preferable to use a firearm but, if you want to rush headlong into a room full of unaware enemies, the sword will allow you to quickly deal a good amount of damage to all opponents.

The Finals: The best weapons in the game

Riot shield | The Finals: The best weapons in the game

The riot shield is a medium weapon that, combined with the truncheon, will allow you to do damage and protect yourself at the same time. This tool is capable of inflicting well 68 damage with each hit but obviously his main strength is defense. In fact, thanks to the shield you will be able to defend yourself very effectively from frontal attacksthus making you extremely difficult to eliminate in a 1vs1 match.

The Finals: The best weapons in the game

SR-84 | The Finals: The best weapons in the game

Finally, we conclude with what is certainly the weapon with the highest single-shot damage in the game: l’SR-84. This handy sniper rifle is capable of inflicting well 115 damage with a body shot and, as if this value wasn’t already high enough, with a headshot you can even get 230 damage.

If you are looking for a weapon capable of eliminating opponents with a few well-placed shots, the SR-84 is perfect for you, but remember that sniper rifles are not very easy to use. In fact, to make the most of this weapon it is essential to always know how to position yourself in the best possible way and above all to have good aim.

The Finals: The best weapons in the game

Ready to fight

This concludes our guide on the best weapons in The Finals. Now that we have listed the best equipment in the game, all you have to do is try them all and find the ones that best suit your play style.

The Finals available now for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series S. If you are interested in staying updated on all the news on the world of video games and much more, then continue to follow us here on Furthermore, if you want to purchase some games at an advantageous price, we suggest you take a look at the many offers on Instant Gaming.