La fotocamera di iPhone e 3DPets, per creare protesi su misura per cani thumbnail

The iPhone camera and 3DPets, to create customized prostheses for dogs

Technology improves our lives every day. But since August 26 is World Dog Day, we’re happy to say that improving the lives of pets too. As the story of “The Invincibles“, a campaign by Apple Shot on iPhone, which shows how the iPhone camera allows the company 3DPets to create custom prostheses for dogs that need them.

The iPhone camera and 3DPets, the modern prosthetics for dogs

La campagna “The Invincibles featuring 3DPets” ci introduce a Trip, a dog that has a new life thanks to the advanced camera technologies of the iPhone. But behind this story of resilience and innovation there is also a company based in New Jersey: 3DPets. Below you will find the video with the history of Trip.

3DPets wants to give a second chance to dogs facing physical challenges. Cleo, Samson, Trip ed Eve are some of the dogs who have had the opportunity to live a fuller life thanks to pcustom 3D printed rotes.

shot by iphone min

But how does 3DPets manage to create such precise prostheses adapted to the needs of each individual animal? This is where iPhone technology comes into play offers advanced scanning and data capture tools. The TrueDepth front camera and LiDAR scanner integrated intoiPhone 14 Pro allow 3DPets to accurately capture the size and shape of each dog. These data are fundamental for cmake prostheses tailor-made that fit perfectly to the body of each animal.

3DPets also collaborates with third-party apps, which together with the iPhone tools, allow you to transform the collected data into functional and comfortable prostheses. This combination of technologies allows you to go from simple conception to the concrete creation of solutions that improve the quality of life of dogs.

Summer shot on iPhone 14 Pro Max by Leeor Wild min

The ability to use accessible technologies, like iPhone photo sensors and 3D printing, it has a huge advantage for 3DPets. It allows you to provide custom-made prostheses and get dogs and other pets back to running.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.