La preview di Solium Infernum thumbnail

The preview of the multiplayer version of Solium Inferno

Solium Infernum è un strategic turn-based game developed de League of Geeks. It’s about the remake of a 2009 game of the same name made by Cryptic Comet and its release is scheduled on February 14, 2024. The remake, of course, can leverage fifteen years of technological advancement and, in addition to greatly improving the visuals and interaction, it also adds the possibility of playing online. The developers of Solium Infernum gave us access to the preview and we’ll tell you how it went.

Solium Inferno, che gioco è?

Solium Infernum is a turn-based strategy game in which five archdevils (infernal demons) vie for the throne of the underworld. Put like this it seems simple; In reality the game is decidedly complex. First, it provides a combination of military and political tactics. On the one hand we have to move troops and make them fight. On the other hand we have to navigate a rather complex political system. The two activities combine to make us gain prestige and prestige can be used to increase level or for conduct political actions. Furthermore, military actions cannot be indiscriminate but often require the approval of the Council of the Underworld. For example, it is not possible to attack enemy troops without first obtaining permission.

From the point of view of game mechanics, Solium Infernum leverages a very important dynamic: the archdevils’ orders are carried out sequentially, but only after all players have finished giving them. This means that we are asked for one extra effort in predicting enemy moves because we might move our troops… and find ourselves in an unexpected situation.

At the end of the match The player with the most prestige wins. Be careful, this does not mean that he is also the one who has accumulated the most resources. If you also play board games and have played High Voltage (Power Grid), then you can understand all the implications.

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La preview di Solium Inferno

Solium Infernum, compared to the original 2009 version, adds some truly next-gen visuals. All the characters are animated and even on the battlefield there are many moving elements. This visual improvement, however, it is not limited to the aesthetic side. When an army loses hit points, it happens is reflected in its representation. When Let’s add an elite troop supporting an army, we can actually see it on the pitch.

We enjoyed it faithfulness with which political intrigues are handled, although it was not yet fully implemented in the trial version. The political part forces us, so to speak, to play with two speeds. On the field, movement and combat actions have an immediate effect during the shift; political actions, on the other hand, are always articulated over multiple shifts subsequent ones. Synchronize the two streams as you face multiple enemies it can become complex.

An interesting aspect that we point out is the map. In fact, this is it relatively small given the number of players. More, it rewinds on itself in both directions; they always leave each player exposed on at least two sides. It’s about d an interesting strategic element to exploit. Furthermore, the small space, in our opinion, favors the strategy against brute force and reduces the average length of matches.

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The online mode

Today there are many games that feature an online mode. Simply, reduced to the minimum terms, it is a multiplayer done over the Internet. We play together, but each at home. It is difficult, today, to consider online gaming a novelty in itself.

Hell alone, however, enriches the formula and introduces a mode that calls asynchronous. In asynchronous mode each player logs in when they have time, sees the result of the last move and plans the next one. In this way the game, as we see it, can look much more like a game of chess between professionals rather than in an online skirmish.

An asynchronous online game it can last a long time (despite the considerations on the map that we made before) but there is the undoubted advantage that Organizing with friends becomes much easier. Furthermore, being a highly strategic game, take the time to plan it can be a very positive aspect.

Hell alone in synthesis

The game definitely is a very well done remake ed extends the original version both in functionality and from a visual point of view. The original version had received an excellent rating from the public, and we don’t think this one could get any worse, on the contrary.

The new asynchronous online gaming mode, in our opinion, really can propose yourself as a trailblazer on this type of game. This because it allows everyone to play at their own pace and allows enthusiasts to think through their moves carefully. The fact of not having to coordinate to keep all the players in front of the monitor for hours is in our opinion a distinctive element that can make the game lucky.

Our only doubts about Solium Infernum, at least from this preview, is that it is a product that it is aimed at a rather limited niche of players. You must like the strategic game, you must also like the political intrigue as well as the setting. It will certainly have a market; However, it is difficult to estimate how large it could be.

However, if you recognize yourself in the player profile, even if only partially, we recommend you put it on your wishlist Solium Infernum on Steam and take the next month to decide if it’s for you.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.