Cresce l'interesse per metaverso, visori VR e smartwatch thumbnail

There is growing interest in metaverse, viewfinder and smartwatch

There is growing interest in metaverse, VR viewers and thumbnail smartwatches

Ever since Zuckerberg pitched his idea of ​​a parallel virtual reality, it really seems like everyone’s crazy about the metaverse. Not surprisingly, some recent data demonstrate the growing interest of users in three characteristic products of the sector: virtual reality viewers, augmented reality glasses e wearable hi-tech like smartwatches. This news is not surprising, given that the Idc analysts had foreseen an expense equal to 542.8 million dollars by 2025 for the purchase of these devices. But let’s find out more about the interests of users for the sector.

Virtual reality headsets: user interest is growing

Virtual reality viewers and augmented reality glasses are among the hi-tech products with greater appeal for users. Now, and in the future. Not surprisingly, the giants of the sector are moving to release these devices on the market in the shortest possible time. Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, for example, revealed that the Apple Glass glasses they will be launched by (and no later than) 2022. But there are companies that have already moved from this point of view. Like Oppo, which recently announced its own Oppo Air Glass, glasses capable of connecting to the Internet and reproducing content on the lenses thanks to the provision of a microprojector.

Google itself, which paved the way for the smart glass sector, has put the team working on AR glasses back on their feet. Even the tech giant, it seems, is intent on exploiting the incredible success of the metaverse. But it’s not just VR headsets and augmented reality glasses that interest users. Also smartwatches they continue to attract more and more public attention, and hi-tech companies are doing everything to optimize these products. Samsung, for example, is working on a clock with rollable display, complete with a camera placed in the center. In short, the news in the sector seem to meet the needs of users, so let’s get ready to see some good ones in the next 2022.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.