Tim lancia Women Plus, l'app per aiutare le donne nella ricerca del lavoro thumbnail

Tim launches Women Plus, the app to help women in their job search

Provide a concrete tool for growth the role of women in the economy, encouraging professional paths and supporting them in the orientation of their professional path and giving them the opportunity to train in a continuous and consistent manner with the market. This is the goal of Women Plus, the App launched by TIM and presented as part of the 4 Weeks 4 Inclusion, the marathon on inclusion created and promoted by the Group. The solution, created by Women at Business, is available on the main digital stores (iOS and Android).

Women Plus by Tim, not just looking for a job

Starting from the experience of ‘Positive Women’, project that TIM supported in Brazil with the entrepreneur Fabi Saad, Women Plus will work on different aspects, allowing women to find open positions in a single system, thanks also to matching tools between their skills and available jobs, but also mentoring, training and inspirational talks.

ISTAT data

According to the State datesin Italy employed women are only 55,2% and among young people who are not studying and are unemployed (NEET – Not in Education, Employment or Training) they represent 56%; on the education front, however, just 16% of girls choose university courses in STEM subjects. The application also had the patronage of the European Commission.

tim cybersecurity solutions made in Italy min

Tim aims for gender equality with the Women Plus app

“Our mission at TIM – he declared the CEO of TIM, Pietro Labriola – is connecting people, breaking down barriers and distances, working towards the growth of the entire community. Women Plus represents another piece of this commitment. Gender equality is one of the most important issues on which we are working, with concrete actions included in our plan: we have put it at the center of our activities, because we want to overcome stereotypes and patterns that look to the past, to contribute to a world where everyone has the same opportunities.”

The economic empowerment of women

“TIM’s Women Plus app aimed at women looking for employment is an excellent example of how a company can contribute to removing obstacles to women’s economic empowerment. This initiative is part of a comprehensive approach in line with our strategy for gender equality, actions on equality and women’s leadership to promote an equitable distribution of family roles, to encourage the training of women in STEM disciplines”, he underlined there European Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli.

Women Plus X Women at Business

“Women at Business has been a tech project since its inception, based on the valorization of women’s skills to solve a social problem, that of female employment in Italy. The Women Plus App represents for us, for the women and men of this country a great opportunity and at the same time a concrete tool to generate the cultural change necessary to achieve a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable society”, she declared Laura Basili Founder di Women at Business.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.