Tinder sfida le donne a fare la prima mossa per sfuggire agli stereotipi thumbnail

Tinder invites women to challenge stereotypes

Tinder challenges women to make the first move to escape thumbnail stereotypes

In a survey that involved Italian girls and women, Tinder takes stock of the situation with respect to the clichés and stereotypes about dating apps.

Tinder: 60% of women feel free to express themselves on the app

With the women’s day just over a day ago, Tinder publishes the results of its research involving women in Italy. The purpose of the survey was to take stock of the situation regarding the preconceptions surrounding dating apps in Italy. Here are the results in brief:

  • 66% of Generation Z girls believe that on dating apps you can freely choose who to interact with
  • 60% feel free to share what best represents them.
  • 2 out of 3 girls argue that you must always be yourself, especially when choosing relationships and friendships
  • 50% use the app to talk to someone
  • 42% say they are confident using the app, without feeling embarrassed or shy. The same percentage believes they can make the first move, in defiance of stereotypes.

Research shows that more and more girls are relying on dating apps. Especially popular are deep conversations, honest biographies and a good dose of humor. Among the various dating apps, the most popular among women turns out to be Tinder.

Read also: Using Tinder: tips from a Princess

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.