Trade Republic amplia l'offerta, lancia gli investimenti in obbligazioni thumbnail

Trade Republic obtains full banking license from the ECB

Trade Republic celebrates its 5th birthday obtaining a significant result: one full banking license from the European Central Bank (ECB). This newly acquired license will open up new development prospects for the European savings platform, allowing it to expand its offering financial products in the sectors ofinvestment he was born in savings.

Trade Republic receives full banking license from the ECB

Christian Hecker, co-founder of Trade Republic, expresses his enthusiasm by stating: “Obtaining the full banking license opens a new chapter in Trade Republic’s journey.” Hecker highlights the importance of this license inassist customers in managing their finances over the next few decades. The objective is to consolidate Trade Republic’s position as one of the leading financial institutions in Europe, continuing on the path of growth and success.

This official document will allow Trade Republic to offer all essential banking servicesincluding the activities of deposit e credit. All while respecting the strict rules regulatory requirements established by the ECB and Bafin, the German financial supervisory authority.

2023 was a year of significant expansion for Trade Republic, with the introduction of a 4% interest rate. But even with the start of theinvestment in bonds for retail customers and the launch of a new app. Hecker points out that the addition of new products has led to a significant increase in market share in Germany and internationally.

In parallel with obtaining its banking license, Trade Republic is strengthening its own corporate governance. He has, in fact, introduced a Review Committee made up of figures with great experience in the financial sector. This committee will include Out Gerbaulet, Chief Financial Officer of Dr. August Oetker KG, Christiana Rileymanaging director for North America at Santander, e Andreas Willius, former CEO of Trade Republic and Börse Stuttgart.

Emanuele Agueci, Regional Manager Italy, Ireland and the Baltics at Trade Republic, comments on the importance of this result for Italy. “We honorably welcome the trust placed in us by the ECB. Looking back, this achievement is testament to the level of security offered to our customers thus far. Looking to the future, a range of new possibilities opens up to help Italians build long-term financial security. Even today, 2 out of 3 Italians do not invest at all, which means we still have a lot of work to do to facilitate access to financed markets for small savers. The road is long, but we are excited about the future prospects.”

Trade Republic therefore confirms itself as a cutting-edge company in the financial sector. With its new full banking license, it is preparing for a future of growth. More information on the official website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.