Twilo, la start up tutta al femminile che rinnova il sex tech thumbnail

Twilo, the all-female start-up that renews sex tech: here are some vibrators

Born in Puglia Twiloa female start-up that revolutionizes the world of sex tech. The patent is Andreina Serena Romano who decided to immerse themselves in the world of technological and design sex toys. The company has already received the award from the national association of young inventors.

Twilo, the women’s start-up in the sex toys sector

Il sex toys market until a few years ago it was a niche, an almost “forbidden” sector. Few products, low quality. A line was missing made in Italycreated along a single supply chain by a company focused on the beauty of lines and design.

Andreina Serena Romano, the founder of Twilo

It is for this reason that Andreina Serena Romano, born in 1982, originally from Potenza, decided to study the sex toys market, until she discovered a new business opportunity. It was 2016, in 2017 you had already filed the first innovative patent. Over the years, his ideas and productions have multiplied, now his company, Netingerie Srl, which launched the brand Twilo (acrostic which stands for “Twist” and “Love”) is made up almost entirely of women and is based in Taranto, Puglia. The challenge is to revolutionize the world of sext tech.

The sex tech market

Il market in which it fits is in forte expansion. By 2026, according to the «Global Sexual Wellness Market» Observatory, it will reach 125.1 billion dollars (+12.4% on the previous year, it was “only” 62 billion in 2020). According to estimates from the Dafne Observatory, in Italy this market is worth 600 million euros, growing thanks to new e-commerce which guarantee speed and anonymity.

These are opportunities that he is preparing to seize Twilo with design objects that focus entirely on technology: an App for their remote control will also be arriving soon. The proposed sex tech model is also receiving feedback from professional innovators. Last year Twilo won the fifth edition of the Innovation Oscar, the “Angi Award” which was delivered to Rome by the National Association of Young Innovators.


Unique experience with the vibrators of the Twilo start up

No more realistic dildos and classic vibrators, therefore, but objects that have captivating shapes. Discreet personal devices which, through sensors, circuits and vibrations, allow you to live an unforgettable experience of love alone or in company. Any examples?

“DIANA XXI”, the powerful vibrator that combines internal stimulation with that of the clitoris through different vibration and suction programs. Or “TITO IX”, the discreet, silent, colorful and water-resistant mini stimulator that you can hide in your bag; It is ideal for nipple and clitoral stimulation. Or again “AUGUSTUS XVII”made of soft and fluffy material that accompanies the movements, to be used all over the body, with 10 different vibrations and more than an hour of fun.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.