Gli abbonamenti ai videogiochi sono i regali più richiesti dai giovani (anche più dei giochi stessi) thumbnail

Video game subscriptions are more popular than the games themselves

Like every year for at least a decade, the gaming dominates the rankings of young people’s preferences when it comes to Christmas gifts. However, in recent years, this trend presents some interesting changes: young people no longer want video games, but prefer subscriptions to gaming services.

This year’s data has been revealed to us by recent research by the ESA (Entertainment Software Association).

Subscriptions to gaming services are more popular than video games

ESA interviewed a sample of US youth between the ages of 10 and 17, finding that 39% of them expressed a specific preference for a subscription to an online gaming service. This is the most desired gift ever, followed by consoles (38%), accessories (32%) and virtual currencies (29%).

The most requested online gaming services are probably Xbox Game Pass e PlayStation Plus, which offer players the opportunity to connect with their friends and family on consoles and access a vast catalog of titles of all genres (including streaming). These are indispensable services for modern players, who favor convenience and variety.

Furthermore, it is interesting to note how video games are not only a passion of children, but also of adults. ESA research has revealed that 33% of respondents said they will buy video game-related gifts for themselves or others. A percentage that rises to 57% in the case of parents. On average, parents expect to spend approx $485 in video game related merchandise.

The world of physical games is heading towards an inexorable decline

This data also reflects the decline of the physical format of video games, which seems increasingly destined to disappear. The new generations prefer it download games directly from the internet, without having to buy or store discs. Additionally, many games offer the ability to purchase additional content or customizations with virtual currencieswhich are another gift much requested by young people.

Over 212 million Americans play video games regularlyso it’s no surprise that gaming is at the top of the wish list this year,” he said Stan Pierre-Louis, president and CEO of ESA. “Whether a family is purchasing a new console, upgrading controllers and headsets, or adding new games or expansion packs to their library, we can say that video games are a great family tool for playing together and having fun this holiday season and beyond.” .

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.