WhatsApp funzionerà con gli smart glasses di Facebook thumbnail

WhatsApp will work with Facebook smart glasses

WhatsApp it is undoubtedly the most used messaging app in the world. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its flaws. One of its critical points, in fact, is given by the lack of integration with voice assistants, which prevents users from being able to ask Google Assistant to write and send a message to someone. Apparently, however, the Meta platform would seem willing to overcome this limit. The parent company of Facebook indeed seems ready for integrate WhatsApp with Facebook Assistant and with its smart glasses Ray-Ban Stories.

WhatsApp: Ray-Ban Stories may have the integration of the messaging app

Incredible news for the WhatsApp App and for Meta users. The beta version includes a few strings of code that reveal what the messaging platform might allow users to send messages via Facebook Assistant on Ray-Ban Stories smart glasses. In particular, the word “Assistant” is clearly read in the code, with an evident reference to the voice assistant owned by the platform. Google Assistant, therefore, is absolutely not to be considered included in the speech.

Not surprisingly, Ray-Ban Stories include support for Facebook Assistant, thus allowing users to take photos and videos using voice commands. Therefore, if WhatsApp support were true, users will be able to connect smartphones and smart glasses to be able use the messaging app with only your voice. Just say a phrase like “Hey Facebook, send a message to Sara on WhatsApp” to use the service without having to take your smartphone out of your pockets. To confirm the future support of WhatsApp for Ray-Ban Stories, the beta also adds two graphic icons that leave no doubts about it.

WhatsApp Ray-Ban Stories

At present, it is unclear when the feature will be implemented. In any case, it is certain that only a small part of users will exploit its potential. We are talking about all those who own Facebook smart glasses, and at the same time use WhatsApp. Beyond this, the new integration of the App could open up to the support of voice assistants, but even this is a thorny speech.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.