Dove vedere Sanremo: in streaming, in TV e in 4K

Where to see Sanremo: streaming, on TV and in 4K

If you want to know where to watch Sanremo in streaming and in 4K to enjoy the Music Festival wherever you are and in high resolution, you are in the right place!

The Italian Music Festival is one of the most followed events of the year with millions of viewers every evening. An event that unites families and friends in front of the TV. That’s right, definitely TV is the main medium that is used to enjoy the musical event of the year. But where to see Sanremo streaming? E how to see it in 4K very high resolution? Here is all the information you need.

Where to see Sanremo: streaming, on TV and in 4K

The Festival on TV

Every evening the Music Festival will be broadcast live on Rai 1 starting at 8.40 pm. The first evening airs today, Tuesday 6 February. Every day, until the final on Saturday 10 February, an evening will be broadcast. The contents will be broadcast in HD, i.e 1080i resolution. It’s not bad, but if you have a TV with a higher resolution you won’t be able to make the most of it to watch the Festival. Can we do better?

How to see Sanremo in 4K

Have you just purchased a magnificent 4K OLED TV and want to make the most of it? There are several ways to enjoy the most popular Festival of the ultra-high resolution television season. Rai has set up a 4-channel broadcasting systemK con audio Dolby Digital 5.1. There are several ways to take advantage of it.

The first is take advantage of the HbbTV app, This technology requires a compatible smart TV and connected to the network. By activating this feature and tuning to channel 101, the TV will connect to 4K streaming via the Internet rather than that transmitted via digital terrestrial in HD. So we can use our TV normally and enjoy very high resolution content.

However, the network can be unstable. This is why the optimal solution for enjoying the Sanremo Festival in 4K is to rely on satellite. In fact, on tivusat channel 210 it is possible to watch Rai 4K directly. To see it you need a TV with CAM tivusat 4K satellite tuner. The channel is free, so all you need is a compatible TV to enjoy maximum quality on our high-resolution screens.

Where to see Sanremo: streaming, on TV and in 4K

How to watch Sanremo in streaming

Finally we have the last option. Fundamental for those who don’t have a TV available. Fortunately, the Rai Play platform allows you to enjoy the Sanremo Festival in very high resolution. Indeed Rai 4K is also available on the Rai Play app. However only on TVs compatible and verified. Other devices such as TV Boxes may also not be compatible. So we will only see the content in HD. However, we will be able to enjoy the show from any device, even smartphones or tablets and therefore on the move. To also know how to download videos from Rai Play so you can enjoy them later, we leave you a link to our guide.

We hope we have helped you understand how to watch Sanremo in streaming and in 4K to enjoy it to the fullest! All we have to do is wish you a good viewing! See you soon!

With a deep understanding of the digital landscape and social media trends, Janice keeps readers informed about the latest developments, updates, and controversies in the world of web and social platforms.