Apple presenta i MacBook Pro con chip M2 Pro e M2 Max thumbnail

Will Apple launch 12-inch and 13-inch MacBooks that cost less than $700?

According to rumors from Korea, it seems that Apple is developing new models of MacBook 12 and 13 inch to be sold individually cost of 700 dollarsor even less.

Apple Macbook under $700, how is this possible?

According to the account of news aggregator operator “yeux1122” on the Naver blog, supply chain sources have repeatedly seen evidence that Apple is developing low-cost MacBooks in two different sizes under development.

To confirm this, Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has claimed that the Cupertino company is headed to launch a series of low-cost MacBooks expected next year. The objective is to differentiate this type of low-cost MacBook, therefore accessible to a larger number of peopledai MacBook Air e MacBook Pro.

The reason for this choice

Why such a choice by one of the strongest companies in the world? The answer is simple: MacBooks are not among Apple’s best-selling products. For this reason, the company has to face this problem and has decided to produce the devices at a cost of less than 700 dollars.

Additionally, Apple noted the investment made by schools versus Chromebooks. It seems that the same sector is targeting: also for this reason it has decided to produce a model that costs at an affordable price.

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L’account del blog Naver He has a mixed track record when it comes to predicting Apple’s plans, but some of his statements last year proved telling.

For example, in March 2022 it precisely revealed some details about the third-generation iPhone SE ahead of Apple’s launch of the model. He also accurately predicted in October of that year that Apple would delay the release of the new 14- and 16-inch MacBook Pro models until early 2023.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.