5G in Italia: in 5 anni lo avrà il 99% della popolazione thumbnail

5G in Italy: in 5 years 99% of the population will have it

5G is a much talked about technology, which in recent times has grown a series of specious resistances, often based on clichés that are anything but rational. But typical of an era, ours, schizophrenic: in which on the one hand the advances in technology are increasingly evident, but on the other hand there is a worrying inclination to instinctive reaction. Think of how quickly and widely the most bizarre and gross fake news spread.

Nonetheless, 5G – in Italy and beyond – is in strong and constant growth. This is attested, for example, by a recent study by Ericsson, the Ericsson Mobility Report 2022. According to which by the end of 2022 there will be one billion 5G subscriptions.

Subscriptions which, again according to this report, will reach 4.4 billion globally by 2027, covering 60% of mobile traffic. Also by 2027, 82% of European users will have a subscription with 5G. And FWA solutions will double, capable of bringing high-speed Internet to areas without a fiber optic network.

5G in Italy

The statements by the Minister for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition, Vincenzo Colao, fit into this optimistic picture.

Minister Colao has called a conference at the headquarters of the foreign press. Press conference shortly after the news of the assignment of all the tenders to bring fast Internet to our country, as we reported in another article.


Colao’s statements

Vittorio Colao does not hide the satisfaction. And he is already thinking about the near future. Thus spoke the minister: “In 13 months we approved the Italian strategy, obtained the European authorizations, published and assigned all the PNRR calls and invested a total value of about 5.5 billion euros, with the ambitious goal of connecting all of Italy by 2026 with very high-speed fixed and mobile networks.

Our country is a unique case in Europe, not only because we have anticipated the European objectives and worked to eliminate the digital divide, but also because we will be the first to have 5G mobile networks entirely bound in optical fiber.essential requirement to guarantee very high connection speed and minimum latency everywhere.

In four years, Italian homes will have a fixed connection of at least 1 Giga, populated areas will be reached by very high capacity 5G, all schools and health facilities will have the right connection to guarantee high performance services.

We did this by bringing the state savings of around 1.2 billion euros and an investment by the private sector, where foreseen, of over 2.2 billion euros.

Now is the time to work in synergy with the municipalities and local authorities to ensure, by 2026, equality and social inclusion through a country connected at the best European levels.which all citizens will benefit from “.

The objectives

What is aimed at in Italy, to hear the words of Minister Colao, is undoubtedly an ambitious goal. “The goal is to ensure that there is no difference in internet access between those who live in Rome and Milan and those who are in Aspromonte or in a small town in the Apennines”.

To make the goal achievable, 44 lots were assigned to various private companies. If the promises are kept, our country will be the first in Europe with 99% of the population reached by 5G.

“We will be the first European country to have 100% fiber for 5G, we will cover 99% of the population and broadband networks will be 94% in fiber”, in fact said Colao. Which he added: “In December of this year we will have completed all the digital architecture of the country”.

The Italy 5G Plan

Last April, the European Union financed the Italy 5G Plan with 2 billion euros.

This is a plan that falls under the NRP. And which aims to “encourage the creation of network infrastructures for the development and dissemination of 5G mobile networks in areas with market failure throughout the country”, as can be read on the ministry’s website.

The bankruptcy behind the financing. Where is the truth?

As we wrote, however, the aid from Brussels is the consequence of a bankruptcy. This was said by the EU Commission itself once the loan was granted. “The measure is necessary and proportionate to address market failures, notably the fact that there are no mobile networks that adequately meet the needs of end users or are planned.”

Furthermore, a study relating to 2021 – conducted by Cable.co.uk and reported by Wired colleagues – shows that the average speed of connections in Italy was 36.69 Mbps. The figure places us, in Europe, behind Romania, Bulgaria and Montenegro.

Yet, the words of Vittorio Colao sparkle with confidence, to the point that the minister is already thinking from a European perspective. “We need to aim from a digital Italy to a digital Schengen. And the first step will be to create a European wallet on which to upload documents recognized throughout Europe, in all countries as paper documents are today “.

We will see if in a few years Italy will be truly capable of such a sensational comeback.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.