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5G, named the best global network manufacturers

The report “Global 5G Network Infrastructure Market 2023″ Of Frost & Sullivan annually analyzes the performance of network providers in terms of growth, innovation and scalability. And for the third consecutive year it remains in first place Ericssonwhich dominates the global 5G infrastructure market.

Top global 5G network providers, Ericsson first

If Ericsson stays first for the third consecutive year, they follow Nokia e Huawei, who keep her company on the podium. Among other industry leaders are Ztewhich has consolidated its position thanks to its 5G solutions adopted in China, e Samsung, which has used its initial advantage to offer itself as an alternative to its competitors. Especially in countries that hinder Chinese suppliers like the United States.

The top five 5G infrastructure providers hold overall 85% of the market. The others focus on specific segments of the market or consist of smaller suppliers.

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Frost & Sullivan recognizes a high level of innovation in Mavenir. A remarkable result, considering that compared to the Top 5 it is a much smaller company. In fact, Mavenir provides solutions for core/edge networks and contributes to the development of Ran open and virtual. Cisco is also at the forefront of innovation, proposing solutions for core/edge and transport networks.

Even HPE and Ciena, which deals only with transport networks, remain at the forefront of innovation. Like Infinera, which in turn only deals with transport – albeit about half the size of Ciena. Some smaller vendors focus on open and virtual Ran, including Altiostar e Radisys.


Courier Communications

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.