Twitter: il nuovo aggiornamento migliora l'accessibilità del sito thumbnail

Twitter: the new update improves the accessibility of the site

Twitter ha announced today a handful of design updates, all aimed at improving the experience of using the social network in terms of accessibility. Changes include a new font, interface color changes, high contrast buttons and more.

Twitter updates with new accessibility features

The biggest change concerns the introduction of a new font called Chirp, which according to the company makes the Twitter experience “more accessible, unique and focused on you and what you are talking about”. Twitter further explained that from now on, the Western language text will align to the left, making it easier to read as you scroll.

Subsequently, the social network explained that it had updated its color palette to be “high contrast and much less blue”. This modification is meant for draw attention to the photos and videos that users can create and share. Many new colors will also be available soon.

Twitter accessibility

Also note that the buttons themselves are now high contrast, including the button follow, to help the most important options to stand out more by making them immediately catch the eye of the user. Here is what we read from the official post of the social about it:

“We have cleaned up the glance of the user interface a lot. There are fewer gray backgrounds and unnecessary dividing lines. We have also increased the space to make the text easier to read. This is just the beginning of further visual updates as Twitter will put the user more and more at the center of it all! “.

The changes will be rolled out by Twitter on all devices today Android, iPhone and, in general, in the web version of the application. The moment therefore seems propitious for an update, if you find these new modes of use useful for your navigation on the social network.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.