Apple vieta i sondaggi interni dei dipendenti sulla parità salariale thumbnail

AppleToo, the site created by Apple employees to denounce discrimination in the company

AppleToo, the site created by Apple employees to denounce discrimination in the company thumbnail

L’Apple employee organization took another step forward with the launch of a website called “AppleToo”. The goal is to collect the stories of Apple workers they have undergone harassment or discrimination within the company.

Apple employees unite against company discrimination

“For too long, Apple has evaded public scrutiny,” the website reads. “When we lobby for accountability for the persistent injustices we witness or suffer in the workplace, we are faced with a pattern of isolation and degradation. Not anymore. We have exhausted all internal roads. We talked to our management. We switched to the People team. Nothing has changed. It’s time to think differently ”.

Only about 15 current and former Apple employees were directly involved in the organizational effort. But in the last few hours the organizers have launched the website and theaccount Twitter and posted the news on a 200-person Discord server dedicated to Apple employees and contractors.

The cause has already won the support of organizers such as Timnit Gebru, who worked at Apple before joining Google in 2018. After that Gebru was suddenly fired by Google in December 2020, made public his experiences with racism and discrimination within the company. But he never publicly talked about the experience at Apple. Now she tells The Verge: “I experienced so many sensational things when I was at Apple and I always wondered how they managed to escape the spotlight. I am happy to see that Apple workers are organizing. It is time for Apple to be held accountable ”.

Since launch, eight Apple employees have shared their stories through the AppleToo website. But the impression is that in the next few days they will be added more and more testimonials.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.