Nasce Racoon Logic: una nuova software house da tenere d'occhio thumbnail

Racoon Logic is born: a new software house to keep an eye on

Racoon Logic, a new software house based in Montreal, has just been born composed of veterans of the videogame industry from realities such as Ubisoft, Electronic Arts e Warner Bros. Games. The studio intends to resume the work where the boys left them from Typhoon Studios, including their critically acclaimed Journey to the Savage Planet game.

Racoon Logic is born from the ashes of Typhoon Studios

Having worked collectively together for many years and spent much time with some of the largest and most prolific developers on the planet, the leading talents of Typhoon Studios have reformed and announced a brand new studio: Raccoon Logic.

The new company will be based in Montreal and has secured a large initial investment, regaining the intellectual property back for the acclaimed Journey to the Savage Planet, which means that in all likelihood one of the studio’s initial projects will be a sequel to this title.

If we take a look at the individual profiles, the co-founders of Raccoon Logic have previously held key positions in Ubisoft, Electronic Arts and WB Games, among others, while the study is mainly supported by an investment from Chinese technology company Tencent. All of these elements should ensure that Raccoon Logic’s as-yet unannounced debut project will have both the tools and talent it needs.

“We are super excited to continue the work we started at Typhoon Studios and to develop the Journey to the Savage Planet franchise in the future. We would like to thank our partners from Tencent, Google and 505 for their support – he explained Reid Schneider, Studio Head of Raccoon Logic – We are fortunate to have assembled an amazing team whose members helped build Savage Planet, and we have also added some great new talent. ”

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.