Unesco ha presentato un testo sull'etica dell'intelligenza artificiale thumbnail

Unesco presented a text on the ethics of artificial intelligence

Unesco presented a text on the ethics of artificial intelligence thumbnail

Today, Unesco has announced a first world text on the ethics of Artificial Intelligence. The goal is to better frame the new technology also in relation to the weight that artificial intelligence can have on social behaviors. The text announced by UNESCO is the result of a work that lasted about 3 years.

Uneso’s point of view on the future of artificial intelligence

According to Unesco, artificial intelligence technologies have the potential to render great services to humanity. In the future, all countries will benefit from the potential of these technologies which can be applied in various fields. There are, however, underlying ethical concerns to be taken into consideration.

According to what we read in the text presented by UNESCO: “There is a need to ensure the transparency and intelligibility of the functioning of the algorithms and data from which they were calculated”. These data, in fact, can affect human rights and fundamental freedoms as Unesco points out.

The recommendation for the future of AI

The text presented today represents a real recommendation for the future. In particular, the signatories of the text will have to implement suitable legislative instruments. These tools will have to frame and monitor the artificial intelligence going, moreover, to “guarantee total security for personal and sensitive data”. The new text has been ratified by 193 Unesco member states which will undertake to follow the proposed recommendations.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.