Intel unveiled the new 12th Generation Core processors dedicated to laptops and, as part of the announcement, said the new Core i9 it’s just not faster than the M1 Max chip that Apple introduced in the 16-inch MacBook Pro, but is that it is also the fastest mobile processor ever. Indeed, its configuration is truly remarkable.
Intel Introduces Core i9: The Next Generation Processor
The new Core i9 is equipped with a 14-core CPU with six high-performance cores and eight cores for efficiency, the M1 Max chip, instead of 10 cores, has eight high-performance cores but only two cores for efficiency. As if that weren’t enough, the Intel chip has a maximum Turbo Boost frequency of 5.0 GHz, but the power draw can reach up to 115 watts, which is much more than that used by the M1 Max chip, which is already not ideal for the thermal casing used in devices such as the MacBook Aria and MacBook Pro.
Intel shared a very simple graph to show the performance and power of its chip, as part of the official presentation. Interestingly, the graph denotes that the new Core i9 has achieved better performance per watt than the chip M1 Max, but overall the latter manages to run at much lower wattages than Intel’s top-of-the-line mobile offering.
The new Intel chips are certainly fast, but Apple He probably has no regrets when it comes to switching to his own custom manufacturing, as he has made the energy efficiency of his chips his strong point. Apple chips indeed deliver impressive performance without overheating in thin and light devices like the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro, which is a factor not to be underestimated.
Not to mention that probably the Cupertino company will present its chip in a few months M2. In short, the chip war is still in its infancy, and it is too early to say that it will win in the end.
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