I 10 errori da non fare quando si assembla un PC thumbnail

The 10 mistakes you shouldn’t make when building a PC

10 mistakes not to make when building a PC thumbnail

Assembling a PC: not an easy practice, which requires time, passion and precision. A moment of great patience and concentration in which you must not run into distractions of any kind.

In this regard, Kingston Technology Company, Inc, a world leader in memory products and technology solutions, has identified the top 10 mistakes to avoid in the process. Let’s go see them together.
The 10 mistakes you shouldn’t make when building a PC

  • Purchase cheap, poor quality power supply units. When building a new PC, one of the most common mistakes is buying poor quality power supplies. You must already have a basic idea of ​​the power and hardware requirements and it is advisable to always buy slightly higher amounts of energy than those estimated, so that intensive use does not affect the system;
  • Choose components that are not compatible with each other. To avoid this risk, you can add all the desired components in PCPartPicker, which allows you to identify any compatibility problems. If you choose Kingston brand products, you can instead check the compatibility directly on the company website, or contact customer service and be supported by the team of experts;
  • Forgetting to install the I / O shield. An I / O shield consists of a thin metal plate that acts as a housing for the signals coming in and out from the back of the PC. It is important to remember this factor in order to avoid the annoying problem of having to disassemble the whole machine due to this oversight;
  • Forget about the motherboard insulators. It is important to install insulators and spacers, so that the motherboard is slightly raised above the housing, in order to prevent short circuits of the soldered points
    bottom and traces of the circuits in case of contact with the metal housing;
  • Incorrectly install the fans. The fans help remove hot air from the housing, so the machine always runs at optimum temperatures. If you have purchased and already installed a housing with
    fans, this is not a problem. However, if you need to add additional fans to your system, it is essential to always make sure that they are positioned in the correct way, so that the air flows in the direction
  • Wrong placement of the CPU. Improper installation of the CPU can potentially damage or break the pins, depending on the amount of force used. A CPU always has marks on one side which must coincide with those on the board, in order to indicate the correct installation position;
  • Apply too much or too little thermal paste. Applying incorrect amounts of thermal paste can cause poor CPU and system performance. Thermal paste promotes heat transfer between CPU and
    Heatsink. Applying too little paste causes CPU cooling problems and raises operating temperatures, with the risk of long-term damage;
  • Opt for inadequate amount of memory. If you are using an even number of memory modules, you should always space them properly. The manual for the motherboard you are using has the information you need a
    determine in which slots you need to insert the memory modules. Also, check if the memory is installed correctly. Correct installation is indicated by a clear click;
  • Place cables in the wrong ports. All cables must be connected with the correct connections. Otherwise the system will not start and there is a risk of damaging the components;
  • Don’t read the manuals. Last but not least: manuals are essential for any PC assembly task. If you want to create a flawless, error-free system, the manual is your best friend.

    “The quality of the solutions offered is a priority for us at Kingston. Following these simple instructions and avoiding some common mistakes allows you to make the most of our products and their potential, thus living a sensational experience with your PC, whatever the desired goal ” says Stefania Prando, Business Development Manager of Kingston Technology Italia. “On this path, KingstonIsWithYou to help users enjoy the best possible performance.”

  • Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.