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Snapchat adds a sticker to share videos from YouTube

Another novelty for users who use theSnapchat app. These days the platform has simplified the process of sharing videos from YouTube, eliminating the need to copy and paste the referral link to see the attachment within your content. Now, in fact, it will be possible to share the videos simply with a sticker – a bit like it already happens on Instagram -. An option available indiscriminately for iOS and Android.

Snapchat: App allows you to share YouTube videos with a sticker

The Snapchat App is simplifying the user experience on the platform by adding the ability to share a video from YouTube with a sticker. To use the new option, all you have to do is choose your favorite video, click on the item “Share” then select “Snapchat”. At this point, the App will open and the video will appear on the camera screen in the form of a sticker – complete with title, thumbnail and creator of the video -. Just edit it to your liking, and then share the content from your account. Exactly as you already do on Instagram, mind you.

Snapchat AppCredits: Snapchat

In this way, users who see your profile will be able to view the video on the YouTube mobile app or in the browser simply by clicking on the sticker. An option that greatly simplifies the sharing experience. Until now, in fact, it was necessary to copy and paste the video link within the content on the Snapchat App, actually switching from one platform to another. Nothing comfortable, of course. Incidentally, the aesthetics of the function also didn’t seem to be optimal. The result was, in fact, a sort of thumbnail of the video, complete with a link button that referred to YouTube.

Fortunately, the platform has chosen to change the function, making it not only easier to use, but also aesthetically more suited to the content to be shared. Yet despite this, Snapchat allows users to choose the first sharing option if they prefer. In short, you are free to do as you wish. But remember that a sticker can greatly improve the appeal of your content.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.