Anonymous, online i dati di 120 mila soldati russi in Ucraina thumbnail

Anonymous, online the data of 120 thousand Russian soldiers in Ukraine

Anonymous, online data of 120 thousand Russian soldiers in Ukraine thumbnail

The collective’s hacker attacks continue Anonymouswho have published the names and personal data of 120 thousand Russian soldiers fighting in the Ukrainian invasion. The ‘doxing‘of the military arrives on Sunday, after a whole week of attacks on Russian institutions.

Anonymous publishes the names and data of 120,000 Russian soldiers in Ukraine online

For over a month, Russian soldiers have been fighting militarily for different areas of Ukraine, in an invasion that seems to be getting more and more brutal. If the news on the war front continues to worry us and show the most violent aspect of this conflict, so will the cyber front quivers.

After attacking the Orthodox Church of Russia, Anonymous turns its gaze directly to the war front. In fact, he has published information on the soldiers involved in the conflict.

anonymous Russian soldiers video data to discredit Ukrainian soldiers min

If in recent weeks the group had published the names and photographs of some officers involved in the conflict several times, this time the doxing is much greater in scope. Indeed on Twitter the hacker collective announces the publication on DDoSecret of the data of over 120,000 soldiers.

Anonymous states that “All soldiers participating in the invasion of Ukraine should go to court for the war crimes ”. IThe reference can only evoke the terrible images that arrived yesterday from bushingthe town freed from the Ukrainian counterattack to reveal mass graves and corpses in the street.

In addition to the doxing of soldiers, the hacker collective continues to attack Russian institutions. Over the weekend, for example, he announced that he had publishedor over 200,000 emails from the Kremlin’s legal department. We will keep you updated on the developments of the affair.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.