Comau promuove lo sviluppo di tecnologie rispettose dell'ambiente per la Giornata della Terra thumbnail

Comau promotes the development of technologies that respect the environment

Comau promotes the development of environmentally friendly technologies for Earth Day thumbnail

Commason the occasion of the World Earth Dayrenews its commitment to the promotion of innovative and environmentally friendly technologies. The company of the Stellantis group is using its experience in automation systems and products for the development of innovative processes and for various solutions capable of offering flexibility and modularity in the field of electrification. Here’s what the company is working on to develop solutions that respect the environment.

Comau renews its commitment to sustainable technologies on the occasion of World Earth Day

Lelectrification of the automotive sector it is fundamental for the future of mobility, especially from a sustainability point of view. However, this program will bring new challenges. Commas is using its own experience to fine-tune innovative solutions and technologies capable of respecting the environment. This is the case, for example, of the processes of disassembly of the batteries that have reached the end of their life cycle which are currently done manually. Comau is developing robotic solutions to maximize the recycling program. With the progetto HR-RecyclerFurthermore, Comau aims to develop a human-robot hybrid recycling plant for electrical and electronic equipment with the aim of replacing manual activities with robotic procedures.

The company comment

Paolo Tebaldi, Business Development Comau, declares: “Automation can be of great help in managing the end of life of products. We have always built and integrated industrial robots and the skills developed within our Innovation Office in recent years have proved to be very important “

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.