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NFTs officially land on Spotify

Spotify is testing a way to use NFTs on its music streaming platform, as reported by Music Ally. The music streaming platform has started testing for some users on Android in the US and currently includes anteprime NFT for artists like Steve Aoki and The Wombats.

NFTs arrive on Spotify

spotify podcast

And spokesman from Spotify said:

Spotify is conducting a test where it will help a small group of artists promote their third-party NFT offerings through their artist profiles. We routinely conduct a series of tests in an effort to improve the experience for artists and fans. Some of these tests end up paving the way for a broader experience.

Other companies are looking to ride the wave of NFT. However, it appears that the initial wave is wearing off (at least for the moment). According to the Wall Street Journal, the NFT daily sales I am dropped by 92%passing from 225,000 in September last year just 19,000 as of May 3. Also the number of active NFT portfolios is fallingfrom about 119,000 in November to 14,000 towards the end of April.

And user of The Verge got access to the famous test after updating the Spotify application. When she visited the pages of artists Steve Aoki and The Wombats, she noticed that the NFT gallery is located under the artist’s header e the list of songs. Clicking on it opens a collection of NFTs that you can browse through. If you select an NFT, you will see one enlarged version accompanied by a brief description.

Spotify will also offer the “See more” option, which will direct users to the NFT’s page on OpenSea where it will be possible to buy it. The Verge also points out that Spotify doesn’t seem to support the NFTs that they are video o GIF.

The platform indeed only shows a static image of the NFT in the app, not the full video. Furthermore, does not include sound, which is rather strange for a music streaming platform. It’s possible listen to the NFT or see if it’s a video or a GIF just by clicking on its page on OpenSea.

According to Music Ally, the music streaming platform will not receive any commission for NFT sales made through the application e it’s just testing integration. At the moment we don’t know When e se the option will become available to all users. We just have to wait for more information.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.