Con Notch arriva l'assicurazione sull'account Instagram thumbnail

With Notch comes the insurance on the Instagram account

Being hacked is a real crap, especially for successful creators – but also for ordinary users, trust me -. Precisely for this the Israeli start-up Notch is trying to test the possibility of secure an Instagram account, so as to keep it out of the reach of hackers. Starting at $ 8 a month, creators can insure their profile. Therefore, in the event that they are hacked and lose access to their account, the start-up will compensate them and help them regain control of the account. A curious but interesting novelty.

Notch, the start-up that insures the Instagram account against hackers

“We look at the follower count, the engagement, where the audience comes from, the vertical the influencer works in, how many posts per month that person usually uploads, how many of them are sponsored posts”, he explains. Rafael Broshi, CEO of the start-up Notch. With this information, in fact, it is possible to estimate how much a creator earns from sponsored content, so as to calculate a monthly fee for the insurance of the Instagram account. But as regards the damages from which you are protected, it must be specified that Notch consider only and exclusively hacker attacks.

Notch start-upCredits: Notch

This means that if a creator is reported by haters and then unfairly banned, the insurance will not cover their losses. “We will probably issue an add-on to the policy in the near future, which also covers suspensions – said Broshi -. We don’t do these things right now, mainly because it’s very, very difficult to actually build a product that offers value […]. That’s why we went to the hacking part, where we believe we can help ”. For now, however, the insurance will only cover limited damages. A privilege available only in Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Tennessee and Texas. Although Notch’s goal is to expand as much as possible on the market.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.