Le donne sono protagoniste della formazione digitale thumbnail

Women are the protagonists of digital training

Le donne have finally become the protagonists of the digital training. 24ORE Business Schoolthe first Italian digital business school, has in fact registered between 2019 and 2021 a 157% increase in female enrollments. Let’s find out all the details together.

Women are the protagonists of digital training

24ORE Business School tech princess

L’digital innovation is slowly redefining our society in every field. Specifically in the past two years, the sphere of work and of didactic are the areas that have undergone a more radical transformation. Schools, universities and businesses have not just stopped thanks to the opportunities offered by digital.

This scenario of profound changes has also contributed to creating opportunities open to all without distinction, reducing consequently also the gender gap which has always characterized the training and work sector.

As mentioned, regarding this topic, 24ORE Business School recorded a major increase in female enrollments. Manuel MandelliCEO of 24ORE Business School, said:

“We strongly believe that digital technologies can be powerful accelerators for closing the gender gap. Today, one of the main common objectives of companies should be gender equality and, to overcome this obstacle, an adequate training offer is necessary.

We are very pleased to have seen in the last two years an 83% increase in enrollments in our digital marketing classes, especially women. This demonstrates how technology can be enabling to support our commitment to promoting an inclusive model, which favors the opening of possibilities to an ever wider audience without any gender disparity or discrimination based on age or geographical origin.

In fact, from 2019 to 2021 the number of members belonging to the age group between 41-60 years increased by about + 55%. All these people decide to get back into the game, rediscover their dreams and ambitions, with optimism and courage. “

Also according to an analysis by the 24ORE Business School, in the last two years there has also been a significant increase diversification the provenance of his students. One was encountered greater growth especially for the regions of center e of Southern Italy: in particular the Tuscany (with + 163%); the Campania (with + 116%) and the Sicily (with + 100%).

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.