Condizionatore: ecco in quali regioni la spesa in bolletta è superiore thumbnail

Air conditioner: the regions where the bill is higher

Air conditioner: here are the regions in which the expenditure on the bill is higher thumbnail

Air conditioner on wall background

IThe air conditioner has a significant impact on the cost of the billmainly due to the recent increase in the price of electricity. In some regions, however, the cost of the air conditioner is higher due to the need to use the device for a longer number of hours. The new one sheds light on the differences in spending on air conditioners on a regional basis and Observatory.

Emilia-Romagna is the region where you spend the most for the air conditioner, Molise the one where the bill is lower

The survey shows how it is‘Emilia Romagna the region with the highest cost of the air conditioner bill. In fact, in this region there is an annual expenditure included between 154 euros and 124 euros. The first figure is related to the expenditure for a family in Greater Protection while the second to the expenditure for a family that has chosen the best offer on the Free Market.

The lowest bill expense is recorded in Molise. A Molise family must take into account an expense that is included between 72 euros and 58 euros depending on whether the active tariff is on the protected market or on the free market. As for the Italian averageon the other hand, the data collected by the Observatory confirm expenditure included between 79 euros and 98 euros.

The table below summarizes the results of the study:

Region Annual electricity consumption (kWh)1 Summer days2 Total hours of use3 Consumo4
Impact on consumption Expenditure in Greater Protection5 Shopping with Free Market5 Savings with the Free Market
Abruzzo 2621 111 621 373 14% 116 € 94 € 23 €
Basilicata 2863 87 469 281 10% 88 € 71 € 17 €
Calabria 2955 107 590 354 12% 110 € 89 € 21 €
Campania 2967 139 731 439 15% 137 € 110 € 27 €
Emilia Romagna 2948 115 822 493 17% 154 € 124 € 30 €
Friuli 2949 100 613 368 12% 115 € 92 € 22 €
Lazio 2833 135 730 438 15% 137 € 110 € 27 €
Liguria 2763 79 476 286 10% 89 € 72 € 17 €
Lombardy 2992 112 726 435 15% 136 € 109 € 26 €
Marche 2745 130 781 468 17% 146 € 118 € 28 €
Molise 2781 72 385 231 8% 72 € 58 € 14 €
Piedmont 2843 114 694 416 15% 130 € 104 € 25 €
Puglia 2932 104 537 322 11% 100 € 81 € 20 €
Sardinia 3243 145 805 483 15% 151 € 121 € 29 €
Sicily 2970 139 762 457 15% 142 € 115 € 28 €
Tuscany 2803 129 699 420 15% 131 € 105 € 25 €
Trentino 2797 103 547 328 12% 102 € 82 € 20 €
Umbria 2852 111 494 296 10% 92 € 74 € 18 €
Valle d’Aosta 2330 92 466 280 12% 87 € 70 € 17 €
Veneto 2943 80 577 346 12% 108 € 87 € 21 €
Italia 2857 110 626 376 13% 117 € 94 € 23 €

1 Annual consumption data from Osservatorio and
2 Report “Temperature and Precipitation in the main cities” Istat
3 Report “Household energy consumption – Year 2021” Istat
4 Simulated consumption when using an A +++ energy class air conditioner
5 Expenditure estimated considering the July 2022 tariffs for Greater Protection and Free Market

The cost of electricity does not vary on a geographic or regional basis. As confirmed by the study, the hours of use of the air conditioner and, therefore, the expense in the bill vary. The different consumption habits are linked to the number of summer days recorded during the year.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.