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Instagram limits sensitive content to under 16s

Already in December Instagram had announced plans to implement security and parental control to ensure the safety of younger users. Now, months later, a new measure for the under 16 who decide to subscribe to Instagram. These, in fact, will see the default setting “Minus” mode, which will limit their viewing of sensitive content. For all those who are already registered, the platform will send a notification to switch to the new safe mode. In addition, the App will also introduce a new “Check your settings“, So as to allow teens to update their security and privacy settings.

Instagram: under 16s will not see sensitive content thanks to the “Less” mode

Just a few months ago, the Instagram App introduced an update to allow users to adjust their settings based on “sensitive content”. On that occasion they were introduced three different levels of security: “Plus”, “Less” and “Standard”. Until now, in fact, users under the age of 18 could choose to view content only in the “Standard” or “Less” categories, with the possibility of passing to the “Plus” level only once they are over 18. Now, however, Instagram’s new safety rules for under 16s change everything. These users, in fact, will be set by default at the “Minus” mode, if they are new to the platform. As for those already registered, they will receive a notification encouraging them to set this mode for their account.

Instagram under 16Credits: Instagram

“It’s all in an effort to have a safer search experience, not see as much sensitive content, and automatically see less than any adult on the platform would,” he said. Jeanne Moran, Instagram Policy Communications Manager, at TechCrunch. “We are pushing teenagers to choose ‘Less’, but if they feel they can handle the ‘Standard’ then they can.” Ultimately, whether Instagram’s new security measure proves effective depends on how well the teens will follow the prompt’s suggestion, and whether they entered their correct age in the App. But it is undeniable that Meta is doing everything to ensure the safety of the youngest.

Beyond the under-16 measures, Instagram is rolling out a new “Settings Control” designed to encourage under-18s to update their security and privacy settings. “We will show notifications to under 18s – reports the platform – to invite them to review and manage who can see their content, decide who they can be contacted by, set the control of sensitive content and manage the time spent in the App”. A measure that is part of a broader strategy to secure the experience of minors on the platform. About that Jim Steyerfounder and CEO of Common Sense Media, commented: “The child safety measures implemented today by Instagram are a step in the right direction that, after a long delay, begin to address the harm to adolescents caused by algorithmic amplification” .

“Setting young users to a safer version of the platform is a substantial move that could help reduce the amount of harmful content teens see on their feeds. However, efforts to create a safer platform for young users are more complicated than this step and more needs to be done “. So Steyer suggests to Instagram to adopt more drastic measures towards minors. How block malicious content and inappropriate from teen profiles. Or direct users to “Less” mode even if they are suspected to be under 16, but have entered a false age on the platform. In short, the level of security that is required of Instagram is always greater. But finally Meta seems to be going in the right direction.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.