“Hey Google, Mandami un campione”, basta la voce per provare un prodotto thumbnail

“Hey Google, Send me a sample”, the voice is enough to try a product

Every month, two out of three Italians use a voice assistant. It’s simple, fast, efficient. And it will be even more so: aBit (business unit in Uniting Group) brings the function to Italy “Send me a sample”, to send you a test sample of a product asking for it to Google Assistant o Amazon Alexa.

Send me a sample: Google and Alexa send you samples

According to the “Voice Technology Italia 2022 ″ report made by Vocalime, almost the 90% of people of our country knows what a voice assistant is. And two out of three use it regularly. So there’s nothing easier than asking voice assistants to play a movie or buy a product. But what if you just want to try it out?

As he explains Giancarlo Sampietro, Chief Business & Innovation Officer of Uniting Group: “Imagine seeing on TV or in a magazine a product of your interest, which you would like to be able to try comfortably at home. Thanks to Send me a Sample all this is possible. The platform allows you to request a sampling simply by telling Alexa or Google Assistant the phrase ‘send me a sample’closing the gap between the offline communications of brands and their digital call-to-action “.

aBit SMaS 2 min

With this novelty, brands can create a close relationship with their customers, offering a test sample to those who need it. Without wasting resources by sending them to everyone, but coming only to those who really want to try new products.

Alessandro Gruzza, Unit Director di aBit, Part of Uniting Group he explains in fact that the difference is made by the targeted delivery model. “The goal is to help our customers’ enter ‘directly at the consumers’ home, following the purchase conversion and building loyalty. The platform, perfectly compliant with the new privacy regulations, then has the great benefit of having a cost dictated only by the results of the activity: brands pay only for samples requested and delivered “.

A solution that combines online and offline marketing, leveraging the intelligence of voice assistants. If you are looking for more information on this interesting project, you can visit this site.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.