Crescono le quote di mercato di Apple e Samsung thumbnail

Samsung and Apple grow in a sad quarter for the market

Market shares of Apple and Samsung grow. Thumbnail

According to industry experts, the smartphone segment in 2022 registered the worst third quarter since 2014 in terms of global shipping. The market is decreased by 9% on an annual basis, marking a third consecutive quarterly decline. Despite this, Samsung remained the leading smartphone provider globally, followed by Apple, Xiaomi, Oppo e Vivo.

Samsung and Apple grow in a disastrous quarter for the smartphone market

Samsung and Apple are the only two smartphone vendors that have improved their market shares, in terms of shipping, in third quarter of 2022 compared to a year ago. As reported by Canalysis, “Samsung has maintained its leading position with a market share of 22%”. But Apple’s performance was more impressive, having increased its market share from 15% to 18% compared to last year.

Competitors’ performances are decidedly weaker. Xiaomi maintained a market share of 14%, Oppo it lost 1% representing 10% of the market, e Vivo it fell from 11% to 9%. In this context, one of the reasons why the smartphone market has not declined by more than 9% year-on-year is that Samsung and a few other companies have offered major deals and discounts over the past two quarters. As demand declined due to the decline in the economy, Samsung and Apple cautiously approached the market with best offers e lower price increases. A trend that could remain constant for the rest of the year, intensifying during the sales period.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.