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SEO analysis: what it is and what it is for

SEO analysis, also called SEO check, means an SEO check on the health of a website thanks to which it is possible to intervene on technical and SEO problems

One of the purposes of theSEO analysis is to allow the recognition of positive and negative links within a website. Purchasing software that allows you to permanently eliminate spam links from your site is possible through

Penalties on the Search Engine Results Page can be avoided this way. Also there link building represents a valid methodology that almost always allows optimal results.

What is meant by SEO analysis

Per SEO analysisalso called SEO check, means an SEO check on the health of a website thanks to which it is possible to intervene on technical and SEO problems.

It results in an evaluation document created specifically for the customer in which it is possible to find the detailed explanation of the site’s own criticalities. If these were not resolved, in fact, they would prevent the correct positioning of the site on the search engine. The main purposes of the SEO analysis are therefore those of:

  • encounter the critical issues in positioning on search engines.
  • highlight possible expedients useful to improve the positioning of the site on search engines.
  • Decisive for any type of platform, from e-commerce to the showcase site, it can be carried out both when the website is created from scratch, and if it is found that a site does not have enough traffic and that, therefore, the site has of the problems to be solved.

    purposes and parameters of the SEO analysis

    Through a correct SEO analysis it is possible to identify the basic elements for the development of an SEO Content Marketing strategy or the set of all strategies and techniques that include both SEO consultancy, computer code writing and blogging. Furthermore, this analysis allows you to find possible errors and bugs in the system that makes up the website.

    To clarify the status of a website from an SEO perspective, it is necessary to refer to some important parameters such as:

  • authority score: i.e. the score assigned to the website. It is used to measure the influence on SEO and domain quality and is based on the number of backlinks and referring domains driving traffic and visits to the site.
  • organic traffic: particular metric thanks to which it is possible to analyze which keywords bring actual traffic to the site. It also allows you to recognize organic competitors, understood as those who, thanks to a good SEO strategy, are able to steal traffic from the site.
  • paid traffic: this is a parameter containing information on paid traffic generated on the domain. It also contains information about its cost and about the keywords and text ads for which the domain appears in Google’s paid search results. In addition, it offers the possibility to carry out an analysis on the distribution of keyword rankings and on the paid competitors of the domain.
  • backlink: term referring to an inbound link that functions as a hyperlink on an external site that points to a page on your website. It is recognized thanks to a anchor text characterized with a different graphic style than that of the rest of the page. Thanks to the analysis of backlinks it is possible to understand their quantity and quality, thus recognizing follow and nofollow links.
  • The del parameter is also very useful display advertising thanks to which it is possible to verify the performance of display ads on the search engine network.

    Direct and indirect competitors: how to recognize them

    Within the SEO analysis, the competitor analysis represents another decisive phase. Through an efficient SEO analysis, it is possible to identify competitors, divided into:

    • direct competitors: are the companies or brands, which using a good SEO strategy, are able to steal traffic to a site. It is therefore a question of all websites that achieve a better positioning and have a greater quantity of target keywords.
    • indirect competitors: they constitute indirect competition since they do not represent a real threat to the business. Despite this they are able to position themselves better than a site and therefore to distract users.

    Who has the right skills to also create the SEO audit of a site is the SEO agency. The latter is in fact able to read the data and carry out a detailed technical analysis of a website. This allows you to recognize possible problems or deficiencies that put indexing at risk.