Disponibile una nuova funzionalità sull'app di Moovit thumbnail

A new feature is available on the Moovit app

Moovita company that develops Mobility as a Service solutions and the homonymous one urban mobility appsdrop one new app feature. The new feature allows users to display the exact position of the incoming public transport at the bus stop or station, reducing considerably uncertainty about arrival times. The feature is available for all types of public transport (buses, regional trains, trams, subways) as long as they have the GPS tracking active. Here are all the details.

The Moovit app is updated: here is the new feature

bus moovit tech princess

The functionality is in being activated in over 220 cities in 38 countries around the world. In Italy it is possible to track the vehicles on the map a Roma is in the Lazio (for the about 25% of public transport circulating in the city and in the region), a Torino, Bologna, Parma, Firenze, Napoli e Bari.

This means that now users can know the location of the vehicle e evaluate the actual times of arrival at the stop so as to consider – in the event of significant delays – alternative itineraries.

This new tool – named “Live Position” within the app – it is available for both devices Android than for devices iOS. The same function will also make it possible to check, in the event of interruption of the GPS data, the last moment in which the public transport transmitted its position.

To access the new feature, it is enough download the Moovit app and select the “Live Position” button in the sections dedicated to Lines and Stops or by opening the application map. The feature will be available on all iOS and Android devices by 4 weeks.

Carolina VittucciMoovit’s Partnership Manager in Italy, said:

“We have been working for years to help commuters reduce the uncertainty associated with the arrival of public transport and the use of this essential service for many. The ‘Live Position’ of the vehicles is a further step forward in simplifying the life of residents, tourists and business travelers in the large urban areas of Italy and around the world”.

For more information, you can consult the official site.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.