Haier Europe: roadmap di servizi smart per ridurre i consumi energetici thumbnail

Haier Europe: roadmap of smart services to reduce energy consumption

Haier Europe announces to Milano your own smart services roadmap for the savings energetic at home, across the entire product line Candy, Hoover e Haier. It also announces interesting partnerships with Hive Power e Edison Energy to reduce the cost of your electrical bills.

Haier Europe: smart services for energy saving

The costs in the bill have increased: during 2022 the cost of energy is almost tenfold compared to January 2021. Therefore Haier wants to give its customers solutions that allow them to reduce bills and at the same time reduce emissions.

For instance, a class A washing machine allows you to save up to 130 euros compared to the “old” A and 200 euros compared to the old D classes. On dishwashers, the savings exceed 75%: with 6-7 weekly cycles, a family can save up to 250 euros a year.

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Gianpiero Morbello Head of Brand & IOT Haier Europe, explains that Haier’s role becomes even more important. “As a Group we hold the 50% of the connected appliance market and the highest number of class A codes. A result that makes us proud and that is the result of a well-defined strategy”.

But he wants to aim to do even more. “Today we present a roadmap that includes partnerships with i
energy suppliers and initiatives that we hope will pave the way for the international sector. All this is made possible thanks to Artificial Intelligence to make our solutions more and more performing and to the app hOn the digital platform which, with 5 million active users in Europe, drives all the connected appliances of the Candy, Hoover and Haier brands”.

Artificial intelligence to save on bills

Connecting appliances to the hOn app enables artificial intelligence, finding smart ways to use your appliances. At the Milanese event, Morbello explains how to connect electrical appliances to WiFi and manage them in a smart way save up to 20% energy. And the company is about to launch something new: programming the appliance to switch on based on time slots entering the tariffs of your electricity contract.

Welcome to PoglianiHead of IoT Ecosystem Business Development e Energy & Emobility & Service Haier Europe, spiega: “Inizialmente the entry of the tariffs will be manual by the userte but, with some energy retailers, for example Edison, we are working for automate the process and deliver optimized electricity contracts for customers that save on electricity bills.”

Pogliani explains that abroad Haier is integrating hourly rate systems that are subject to fluctuations up to 300% on the same day: the savings could be very high. AI allows you to avoid overloads on the network and allows the customer to save money.

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Partnership con Hive Power e Edison Energia

To increase energy savings in Italian homes, Haier Europe has signed some key partnerships. The one with Hive Power will see the installation of appliances within some energy communities. This allows you to participate in the European Horizon project for establishment of energy communities in Europe, with connected smart appliances that can be controlled remotely. All by simply relying on home WIFI and the hOn app.

The partnership between Haier Europe and Edison Energy it will also give life to Smart Solar, a feature that allows savings to be achieved up to 70% of energy consumption. For example, you can load your washing machine and dishwasher and set a time slot to give Edison control. Which will evaluate when the solar battery has enough charge not to impact your bill. And the same goes for air conditioning or heat pumps.

In short: Haier’s connected electrical appliances allow energy saving to be enabled in ever new and more efficient ways. Read more here.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.