BeReal permetterà di condividere musica da Spotify thumbnail

BeReal will allow you to share music from Spotify

BeReal will let you share music from Spotify thumbnail

It’s been an incredible 2022 for BeRealwhich is now preparing to implement the first novelty of the new year: the integration with Spotify. This will allow users to share their favorite songs on the app, directly from Spotify, as happens with other popular social networks.

To report it is Alexander Paluzzi, developer and insider. Paluzzi explains that the feature would be currently being implemented for both the iOS and Android versions of BeReal, which means that it should arrive very soon on our devices.

Spotify on BeReal: not just music!

The integration of last year’s most explosive streaming giant on social media will not be limited only to songs, on the contrary! In fact, the app will also allow you to share podcast content, which is increasingly popular on Spotify.

We recall, for those who don’t know what it is, that BeReal is a photographic social network launched in 2020, but exploded definitively in the second half of 2022. Compared to other similar platforms, BeReal does not allow users to apply filters to their shots: the published photos must be live and not sugared. A real revolution compared to platforms that owe their fortune to advanced editing tools (think of TikTok and Instagram filters or Snapchat Lenses). Published posts are only visible for 24 hours, and only to those who have in turn published a photo. In short: if you don’t publish you don’t see.

  • Mark Brunasso

    Writing is my passion, music is my life and Liam Gallagher my God. Otherwise I’m 30 and a musician, singer and songwriter. Here I mainly write about music and videogames, but everything that has to do with the creation of parallel worlds fascinates me. 🌋From Pompeii with love.🧡

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.