Microsoft starebbe aiutando AMD con i chip per l'AI thumbnail

Microsoft may be helping AMD with AI chips

Microsoft e AMD they would partner for strengthen the presence of AMD in the AI ​​Processor Industry: An Alliance for AI Chips. The Redmond company would have provided technical assistance to AMD for its projects, while the two companies would have collaborated to challenge Nvidiawhich holds 80% of the AI ​​processor market.

Microsoft e AMD, partnership per i chip AI

The rise of artificial intelligence services like ChatGPT on OpenAI has increased the demand for processors capable of process the massive amounts of data needed to make them work. Nvidia dominates this field thanks to its graphics processing units (GPU), which offer the required computing power.

There is currently no effective workaround. And this is a problem for companies like Microsoft which depend on expensive processors from Nvidia to power the various artificial intelligence services that run on his Azure Cloud.


Nvidia’s CUDA libraries have allowed most of the advances in AI in the last ten years. Although AMD is one of the main competitors in the gaming hardware market, the company does not yet have a suitable solution to the CUDA ecosystem for machine learning at scale. Now that the AI ​​industry is heating up, AMD and Microsoft seem to want to change the cards on the table.

Bloomberg also reports that AMD is helping Microsoft to create its internal AI chipscalled Athena. The project would involve hundreds of engineers from Microsoft’s silicon division and receive an investment of approx $2 billion from the company. However, Microsoft has denied AMD’s involvement with Athena.

Meanwhile, Microsoft will continue to work with Nvidia. While it helps develop an alternative for the market – something that will serve as AI usage increases.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.