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John Wick 4: rejected by Oliver Stone

Ohn Wick 4 was released in theaters in March 2023 and is still being talked about, this time due to a rejection by the famous director J Oliver Stone

John Wick 4 starring Keanu Reeves was released in theaters in March 2023, in the United States and in Italy and made a lot of talk about itself. He now he continues to cause discussion after the statement of a famous name in the world of cinema that has targeted and rejected. This is not the first time for films belonging to franchises or sagas, such as those in the world of cinecomics. Very well known is the case of Martin Scorsese and his very harsh criticisms of cinecomics, also supported by director Jane Campion. Here instead it was Oliver Stone who expressed himself, a director known for JFK, Wall Street and Any Given Sunday and very expert in fight scenes.

John Wick 4: rejected by Oliver Stone

The director saw the film on the plane and called it “disgusting beyond belief” in particular referring to the scenes of violence present in the film and their typology. The statement was made to the American magazine Variety and apparently Oliver Stone noticed three hundred to four hundred killings in the film by the protagonist Keanu Reeves and all not credible. The director felt like he was in a video game and he said it reminding everyone that he is a combat veteran and finding this type of violence similar to the world of video games “boring”.

Harsh criticism from Oliver Stone which go towards a rather solid franchise that is also continuing with spin off projects, such as The Continental TV series on Prime Video and John Wick 5 which has been confirmed. Surely in Oliver Stone’s words there is also a part of truth closely linked to his cinematic style and his way of interpreting films.

What do you think about it? If you have seen John Wick 4 and you also think that he is unjustifiably violent, let us know in the comments and keep following alltek.it for further updates on this saga.

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Magdalena Skrok is an accomplished writer who delves into the realm of new movies and TV series. With an unwavering passion for cinematic storytelling, Magdalena keeps readers informed about the latest releases, upcoming projects, and exciting developments in the world of entertainment.