Mercato auto: cresce a giugno ma è ancora lento rispetto al 2019 thumbnail

Car market: growing in June but still slow compared to 2019

We draw the sums of the first half, for the car market we see that it grows in June but it is still slow compared to 2019.

Car market, grows in June but is still slow compared to 2019, source DepositPhotosCar market, grows in June but is still slow compared to 2019, source DepositPhotos

Auto market, electric sales are still slow

From the report UNRAE it turns out that they have been 138,927 registrations of new cars. The percentage is one +9.2% compared to the same period last year. To this we add that the electric one is also taking a step forward.

To this we add that the data for June are the picture and the closure of the first half of the year. Summing up we have a total of 841,343 units is a marked improvement (+23%) compared to the same period of 2022.

However, there is a strong retreat -22.3%when compared with the first half of the last pre-pandemic year, 2019.

While for the engines, the Italians prefer hybrids, with a percentage of 34.8% of the total.

The percentage figure is represented by a 25% of Mild Hybrid it’s a 9.8% in Full Hybrid. Il motor a gas takes second place on the podium. This totals a percentage of the 28,5% and a slight decrease (-0.6%) compared to last May. Bronze Medal for diesel 18,5%, they follow GPL 8,5% e methane 0.1%.

Electric cars account for almost 10% of registered vehicles

Let’s clarify, as we have already mentioned, the electric car market is struggling to take off, but there are some positive signs.

The combined of pure electric and plug-in hybrids account for 9.8% of sales. So it grows by one point compared to the month of May.

The share of 9,8% composed by 5,4% held by ibride plug-in and from 4,4% held by full electric.

Car market, grows in June but is still slow compared to 2019, source DepositPhotosCar market, grows in June but is still slow compared to 2019, source DepositPhotos

There is still a clear split, in terms of registrations, between northern and southern Italy: al Nord was registered 61% of the total, divided between the 32.1% North East and the 28.9% of the North West. In the center Italy the 24.1% of the total, Sud e Islands at very low percentages with, respectively, the 10,1% and the 4,7%.

Commenting on the data was the president of UNRAE, Michele Crisci, who, despite the good numbers, says he is concerned above all with regard to the electricity sector. “We are still far from the objectives of the energy transition, but the accumulated delay can still be recovered and the decarbonisation process accelerated by finally intervening on the open front of the taxation of company cars for mixed use, on the distortions of the 2022-24 scheme of car incentives with low emissions, on the intensification and maximum diffusion of recharging infrastructures”.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.