Voucher governativo connettività: come funziona?

Connectivity government voucher: how does it work?

Thanks to the PNRR, you can access the government connectivity voucher to switch to a high-speed internet connection. What does it mean and how does it work?

As part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan it is ongoing an important work of gradual digitization of the country: from companies to public services, up to the private life of the individual citizen, digitization is gradually becoming part of the life of Italians. If in most cases this involves an objective improvement of services, with the speeding up of bureaucratic processes and the modernization of often obsolete services, sometimes you can find yourself lost, without knowing how to extricate yourself in a world made up of forms, websites and authentications. Among the various initiatives aimed at improving Italian efficiency is the government connectivity voucher for businesses, a very useful and easy to obtain bonus thatand aims to “reward” the transition to a super-fast connection by businesses. But what exactly is it, and what does it involve?

Connectivity government voucher: how does it work?

Government Business Connectivity Voucher: What is it?

This is a measure which provides for the disbursement, by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy (MIMIT), of a financial contribution from which companies will be able to benefit in order to subscribe to an ultra-fast connectivity service, at least 30 Mbit/s. This bonus will be applied directly to the invoice, excluding VAT, and all natural persons with a VAT number are entitled to it, as well as freelancers and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. A boost, therefore, to the digitization of the various processes underlying the work of many companies and many Italian citizens, who will be able to benefit from a bonus when they sign a contract to have super-fast Internet.

What are the requirements to be able to request it?

In order to request the government connectivity voucher, the following requirements must be met:

  • Be regularly registered in the commercial register (for all those activities that require it)
  • Have a number of employees that results less than 250 people
  • Have a maximum annual turnover of 50 million euros

Each possible beneficiary is entitled to a single voucher and, in order to have this bonus, the starting connection speed must be lower than that which it would have once the voucher was activated. Which means that if you already have ultra-fast connectivity equal to that which would be provided by this bonus, the latter will not be attributed. The disbursement of the voucher obviously depends on the availability of financial resources, ed you can request it now and for the entire duration of 2023.

Connectivity government voucher: how does it work?

What do you get with the government connectivity voucher?

The fee will be applied directly to the invoice issued by the operator providing the connectivity service, e the total amount will be shown outside the VAT field. It is therefore a discount on the invoice on the sale price, which will appear on the bill for your ultra-fast internet service if provided by accredited operators such as TIM which offers, in this regard, its TIM Business Voucher.

How to get the TIM connectivity voucher?

This bonus can be requested both by existing TIM customers and by new customers who want to change operator for connectivity. To apply and obtain the voucher, simply fill in the appropriate form, which is made available by TIM and can be easily downloaded from the site. The company itself will then forward the request to Infratel SpA. In particular, it will be necessary to sign the “Application for admission to the contribution”, entering the following information:

  • VAT number
  • Photocopy of the tax code and an identity document of the legal representative or owner of the beneficiary company
  • Company register registration code (for activities that provide for it)
  • Certified Electronic Mail Address (PEC)
  • ATECO code
  • Service level of the contract currently active at the office which will later benefit from the voucher (this is only if there is already another contact in progress at the time of the request).

After appropriate verification of the requirements, the request will be forwarded and you will then be able to benefit from the voucher, which has a duration scheduled until December 31, 2023. Furthermore, by consulting the TIM Business website, you will be able to obtain further details and evaluate the various voucher offers available.

Connectivity government voucher: how does it work?

How much is the bonus obtainable with the connectivity voucher?

The bonus you get can vary according to the type of contract you sign up for. The voucher includes a connectivity contribution that you give €300 and you get €2,000; furthermore, this figure may increase by a further contribution, up to €500, against binding costs incurred by the beneficiaries.

TIM offers various solutions with fast connection that can benefit from the government connectivity voucher. They are different from each other and designed to satisfy the various customers, both new and already in possession of an internet contract.
The various solutions that TIM offers are listed below:

  • Suprema Business Voucher 10 Giga with Fiber up to 10 Giga/Suprema Business Voucher with Fiber up to 2.5 Giga: these offers include the € 2000 Government Voucher paid directly on the invoice for 36 months
  • Premium Business Voucher Fiber with Fiber up to 1 Giga: this offer includes the €500 Government Voucher paid directly on the invoice for 25 months
  • Premium Business Voucher XDSL with Internet up to 200 Mega: this offer includes the €300 Government Voucher paid directly on the invoice for 20 months

If you are not sure which one to choose, TIM also offers the possibility of speaking with a consultant who, without obligation, provides information on the various plans and helps in choosing the one that best suits your needs. For each preliminary check, the information is in any case available on the TIM Business website.

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