Renault 5 EV, al via alla produzione dei primi prototipi thumbnail

Renault 5 EV, the first production of the prototypes has started

Renault 5 EVs by 2024 arrives on the market, while production of the former is starting 60 prototypes.

Renault 5 EV, production of the first prototypes underway, source from the press officeRenault 5 EV, production of the first prototypes underway, source from the press office

An exclusive miniature plant for the Renault 5EV

In the heart of Technocentre Of Renault There is the Prototype Production Center. Cell phones are prohibited here and for Renault employees who access them, there are appropriate authorizations.

The Prototype Production Center is a unique tool

Created 25 years ago. Renault is one of the few manufacturers to have a dedicated plant with assembly facilities and processes representative of the production lines of its vehicle factories.

The Center’s goal is to create prototypes that are faithful to future production models. This is to validate the industrial assembly process.

The pace of production clearly fits the stages of development.

Assembly of the very first Renault 5EVs

Before moving on to the production of series models at the Douai factorylocated in northern France. The first Renault 5EV come from the Prototype Production Center.

In this Center there are all the prototypes of future Renault production models. It all starts with the forklifts that are technically representative of the future production model.

Produced from October 2021, the forklifts of the future Renault 5 Electric feature the silhouette of Clio. These tested in Lapland, especially in the development and testing of the new 100% electric CMF-B EV platform.

The so-called “vehicle check” prototypes are now being produced. These faithfully mirror the future series model in terms of design. These disguised vehicles then travel the length and breadth of European roads to fine-tune the last details.

Renault 5 EV, production of the first prototypes underway, source from the press officeRenault 5 EV, production of the first prototypes underway, source from the press office

Renault 5 EV, production of the first prototypes underway, source from the press officeRenault 5 EV, production of the first prototypes underway, source from the press office

Ensuring the highest level of quality right from the arrival of the new vehicle in the factory

With processes, tools and components fine-tuned to such perfection, the plant teams can concentrate above all on the cadence of assembly, facilitated by operators specially trained by the experts of the Prototype Production Center.

The prototyping phase, which acts as a real meeting point between the design and industrialization of standard models, it first translates and then physically validates all assumptions and digital data processed upstream. This is how all the play and unevenness of the body modules and components coming from the suppliers are found with an accuracy of tenths of a thousandths. The whole software part, connections and electrical system is also tested. There The location of the Technocentre, located in the immediate vicinity of the companies that contribute to the development of the Renault 5 Electric, allows for great reactivity to analyze and solve short-cycle problems.

With these skills, the Prototype Production Center of the Technocentre can build more than sixty vehicles representative of the future Renault 5 Electric. It is these vehicles which, sometimes tested in extreme conditions (extreme cold or heat, mountains, etc.) and over many kilometres, will allow us to perfect performance for our future customers.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.