OPPO lancia ColorOSHack 2023 per promuovere il Pantanal Ecosystem thumbnail

OPPO launches ColorOSHack 2023 to promote the Pantanal Ecosystem

The global leader in the smart device sector announces the launch of the competition OPPO ColorOSHack 2023inviting developers to take advantage of the capabilities of Pantanal. The over 500 million ColorOS users around the world will be able to enjoy smart experiences on various everyday services.

OPPO ColorOSHack 2023 has officially opened registrations

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As part of the Pantanal innovation ecosystem, OPPO’s ColorOSHack 2023 opened global registrations on July 11. This year the competition is particularly aimed at southeast asian, with the aim of finding suppliers and developers in the field of services related to daily life, transport and entertainment. The initiative was born for encourage the development of smart solutions in specific areas, define future scenarios and design forms of interaction through Pantanal platform. The latter, built thanks to the contribution of over 300,000 developers, has made various development capabilities accessible, including Context Awareness, Service Running and Natural Interaction.

The contest also renews the cash prizes, offering supporting guidelines to help developers achieve fast, low-cost service development. In particular, Pantanal DevStudio provides multiple business module options to reduce costs and significantly improve efficiency.

A complete training system for innovative development

OPPO ColorOSHack 2023 empowers developers to preview the features of Pantanal Platform and Pantanal DevKit, for better efficiency. According to forecasts, a single developer could build a service in just three days and upload it end-to-end in 30 days.

As part of the competition are also planned briefings and online meetings to answer questions from developers and guide them in using the various features offered. Participants will also be able to receive technical assistance from OPPO’s technical team during the testing phase of the devices. Finally, the OPPO App Store will support and reward the winners of the contest.

An opportunity to co-create a Human-centered and borderless ecosystem

Through the competition, OPPO ColorOS intends to provide support to developers in Southeast Asia, reducing development barriers and offering assistance to prominent global creators. In this way, Pantanal will become a more open and dynamic ecosystem, to expand the possibilities of smart life experiences around the world. An initiative that looks at over 500 million ColorOS users globally.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.