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Baldur’s Gate 3: The best classes in the game

Let’s go and see together in this guide a ranking of the best classes present in the very recent Baldur’s Gate 3

Well, ladies and gentlemen, the time has finally come. After the early access published in the now distant October 2020, of which we have also spoken extensively in our dedicated review, the highly anticipated RPG by Larian Studios is now available in definitive form. This is a titanic work (also from the point of view of the amount of free GB it will require to be installed) capable of keep you glued for hours and hours, thanks to the great freedom of choices that you can make, starting from the creation of your alter ego. Therefore, in this guide we are going to see together a ranking of the best classes in the game, which could provide you with some interesting ideas if you are thinking of approaching Baldur’s Gate 3.

Baldur's Gate 3: The best classes in the game

The Strongest of the Realm | Baldur’s Gate 3: The best classes in the game

As we have already mentioned in the incipit of this guide, we are faced with a huge title, with a long and endless storyline, which will be able to confront you with a great variety of situations and enemies. Consequently it is clear that the choice of character (and related class) with which to face this epic is essential to allow you to develop the most suitable approach to your style of play. Baldur’s Gate 3 gives players the option to opt for 12 classi so i 46 sub-classi different, and in this guide we are going to see the best ones, without forgetting that obviously this is not a definitive and valid ranking for everyone, given that the possibilities are really many and always largely depend your style of play. However, always keep in mind the fact that you can do a respec (reassign class, skills and so on) of your character practically at any timeand this can come in handy if at some point in the long campaign you realize you’ve made some mistakes.

Baldur's Gate 3: The best classes in the game

The right balance | Baldur’s Gate 3: The best classes in the game

Without the necessary premises, let’s begin to see some of the best classes present in Baldur’s Gate 3. In first place on the podium are the Paladinlo Sorcereril Bardo and the Cleric. This choice derives mainly from the fact that the latter may have great armor to defend against attacks, and this combined with the possibility of exploiting useful healing skills, allows your character to better resist the enemy offensive. In addition to this it must also be said that they are capable of learning different types of magicuseful both in combat against various enemies and when exploring the game world.

The Paladin for example is able to wear very strong armor and take advantage of some powerful offensive magic, similar to the Cleric, that he possesses an even wider choice of spells, but at the price of less resistant armor. The Bard is instead great support and has the ability to develop a large variety of different skills, while also providing great help with dialogue. However, if your intention is to focus on the art of magic there is no better choice than the Sorcerer, which allows you to have access to some of the most powerful spells in the gameas well as a series of abilities capable of making you truly unstoppable on the battlefield.

Baldur's Gate 3: The best classes in the game

A Valiant Company | Baldur’s Gate 3: The best classes in the game

Continuing this ranking to the best classes of Baldur’s Gate 3 we find the Warrioril Rangeril Dryil Barbaro and the Warlock. Each of them is undoubtedly a very strong class, which is perhaps not able to match the versatility of some of the aforementioned ones, but the same is able to give access to some very powerful skills. For example, the Warrior can gain the ability to attack twice in a row in the same turn, and is very effective in close combat, but less effective against ranged enemies. For the latter, however, the Ranger may be useful, who has various weapons and methods available to dispense death on the battlefield, such as the ability to fight alongside creatures which can also distract the enemy.

Speaking of dispensing death, if your desire is to become the unchallenged masters of the battlefield, the Barbarian class could be for you. It’s about an absolutely lethal fighter when it comes to taking down enemies, but at the same time not very gifted in terms of charisma (in short, don’t expect great successes in situations where words are more important than beating hands). However, if your vocation is magic, in addition to the Sorcerer we have already told you about in the previous paragraph, you could also opt for the Wizard (a very similar class, which has access to the widest repertoire of spells in the game) and the Warlock. The latter then compensates for a smaller selection of spells with the ability to weaken enemies and fight alongside creatures.

Baldur's Gate 3: The best classes in the game

strengths and weaknesses | Baldur’s Gate 3: The best classes in the game

We continue this list with the best classes in Baldur’s Gate 3 with the rest of which we have not yet told you. In addition to those mentioned above, three are missing from the appeal, namely the Monacoil Druid and the Thief. These are mostly classes that still offer very interesting features, but compensated by weaknesses that may appear more pronounced in certain situations. For example, the Thief has unique abilities, such as the pickpocketing, and has a marked propensity for traps and stealth attacks that make it a useful ally both in combat and while exploring the game world. However, when you find yourself in the middle of an ambush, this class could show the side to a certain enemy aggression, so you need to pay attention to the various situations.

Monaco, on the other hand, is a class quite versatile and fun to use, which has a good melee offensive, also with access to some powerful magic, but which unfortunately does not have the resistance comparable to that of other melee classes. Finally the Druid, for his part, offers the unique ability of being able to communicate with animals and plants of the game world, in addition to a very accentuated versatility. However, the latter could turn out to be on balance a double-edged swordwhich does not allow this class to truly specialize in an area like the others mentioned above.

Baldur's Gate 3: The best classes in the game

The choice is yours | Baldur’s Gate 3: The best classes in the game

In the previous paragraphs we have listed what we consider among the best classes present in Baldur’s Gate 3. As we have already said, however, each choice is very subjective, therefore it is difficult (if not impossible) to judge one class worse or better than another, in how much this is depends a lot on each player’s style of play. The advice therefore is to experiment yourself, trying multiple approaches, to find out which one best suits your personal tastes.

And have you already dived into this new title? What’s your favorite class? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned to for all the news dedicated to the world of video games. To buy video games at a discounted price, we advise you to take a look at the Kinguin catalogue.