Twitch migliora i filtri delle chat per la sicurezza dei creator thumbnail

Twitch, new features coming to improve streamers’ live experience

For several months Twitch is working to offer the streamer a series of novelty to improve their live experience. From the ability to share your clips on social media, to the new Trust & Safety tools, here are all the new features in detail.

New to Twitch, the Clip Editor tool

The Clip Editor tool was launched in May this year. It allows streamers to set their clips in portrait mode to be able to share easily on social media. This tool offers the ability to post directly to YouTube Shorts and now you can do it directly too on TikTok.

Streamers can edit their clips in Clip Editor, connect their TikTok account, and post them directly to their profile. Streamers will also be able to add a video description and choose privacy settings from the Clip Editor. Coming soon, Editors will also have access to Clip Editor.

What’s new on Twitch, the Chat and Events function

Twitch is also launching a beta for a new feature called Twitch Chat and Events. This feature will help streamers keep track of what’s happening in their community. Combining your activity feed, events and chat messages into one easy-to-filter window.

Events in the Feed will appear next to the Chat, eliminating the need to switch between windows. Filters also allow streamers to focus on specific events or messages, but unfiltered chat will always be available. Streamers can use Twitch Chat and Events in Stream Manager, OBS, or as a standalone pop-out window. The beta will be available to approximately 20% of streamers in the coming weeks.

Il Privacy Center

The Privacy Center. This is a hub for all things privacy on Twitch. Including practices on how to set up privacy controls and what streamers can do to protect their personal information and exercise their privacy rights.

Updates to moderation tools

Two were also announced updates to existing moderation tools. The goal is to help streamers and their moderators keep their communities safe.

  • Streamers can share moderator comments with channels they share ban information with. This helps provide streamers and moderators with greater context as to why some users may have been, for example, banned. So that they can be better informed to take action. With this update, the maximum number of sharing relationships that channels can have will also be increased: from 30 to 50.
  • The second update is related to Shield Mode, now integrated directly into the Mod View, helping to support a more integrated moderation workflow. With this update the general appearance of the Mod View has also been renewed to streamline the page and make it easier to find what you are looking for, especially for new moderators. For those who preferred the previous interface, there is an option that allows you to return to it.

The new path Copyright & Your Channel

A new learning path titled Copyright & Your Channel. This new addition to Twitch will give streamers a better understanding of Twitch laws and policies, so they can better understand what they can and cannot stream on the service. With the help of this new learning path, streamers will be able to read information that directly applies to how the DMCA process works on Twitch, covering what streamers should do if they receive a copyright attack, guidance on how share content on Twitch and more.

Il Twitch’s Copyright School

As part of this new copyright education hub, Twitch is launching the Twitch’s Copyright School, which will include a series of videos and a short quiz to test your understanding of copyright law, Twitch’s DMCA process, and other information. It will be available to all Twitch users who want to learn the rules and take a proactive approach to respecting others’ copyrighted content.

With the launch of this new course, Twitch will invite eligible users who receive a copyright strike to complete Copyright School ea pass the quiz at the end of the session, to get 1 copyright strike removed from their account. If a streamer receives a copyright strike and is entitled to have it removed, they will receive an email and notification on Twitch to complete Copyright School.

While streamers can participate in Copyright School on Creator Camp as often as they like, they will only receive strike removal if they are eligible and have been invited to participate in Copyright School. Eligibility for removal of a copyright strike through Copyright School is updated once every 12 months and so it is important to pay attention during the course and learn from past mistakes.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.