Octopus Energy per un mercato libero e trasparente conveniente per i consumatori thumbnail

Octopus Energy for a free and transparent market convenient for consumers

Octopus Energy firmly believes that the end of the protected market is an opportunity to take steps forward towards a more transparent and convenient energy scenario for all consumers.

Octopus Energy, the word from CEO Giorgio Tomassetti

Il CEO of Octopus Energy Italia, Giorgio Tomassetti, expressed his thoughts as follows: “The company, with a strong vision towards a fairer and more sustainable energy market, sees liberalization as a fundamental choice to promote access to competitive tariffs for all citizens. For a long time, Italy has lagged behind on this issue, and unfortunately consumers are paying the price.

The protection market is not in fact synonymous with convenience or reliability. For example, in recent months the protected market has been increasingly more expensive than the free market and also more unpredictable, with prices changing every three months. Additionally, the level of support provided is not comparable to that of companies like Octopus Energy.


There has recently been talk of postponing protection again (as has already happened in recent years) but we believe that the Government must speed up the process, giving Italians the opportunity to choose within a truly competitive market, in their own interest.

They’ve been waiting for too many years and paying the bill themselves. As Octopus Energy we want to be an active part in this process, and this is why we will invest the time that separates us from the implementation of liberalization to be ready to face it in the best possible way”.

The offer dedicated to customers

The offer dedicated to customers from the protected market once again demonstrates Octopus Energy’s intentions and ambition on the national territory. A convinced and transparent investment, which aims as always to make clean energy accessible to all, thus contributing to reducing our impact on the planet.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.