I campus NABA si possono esplorare su Fortnite: arriva NABAland thumbnail

NABA arrives on Fortnite by reproducing its campuses

Over the years we have seen more and more experiences pass by Fortnite. Whether it was giant concerts, premieres, black holes and more, the title of Epic Games it has proven that it can be an extraordinarily versatile space. And when you offer that potential to a group of creatives, nothing but incredible can come out of it. And this is the case of NABA, New Academy of Fine Arts, which officially launched its project on Fortnite: a full reproduction of the Roman and Milanese campuses. In short, NABAland!

NABA arrives on Fortnite with the reproduction of its campuses

This initiative took its first steps last spring, when Epic Games officially launched the new, more complete and advanced version of your Fortnite creation tool. An opportunity that the academy did not miss. In a short time a team was set up Laboratori e Faculty dell’Area Media Design and New Technologiesto start digital construction.

Supervising everything Emanuele Lomello, in the role of Media Laboratory Manager. With him, Giovanni Visai, Francesca Simoni, Marco Secchi, Leonardo Villa, Anthony Montanari e Queeny Giacone. A team that has worked hard in recent months to create a complete reproduction of the two academy campuses and thus giving life to NABAlandwhich are now accessible to the public.

We could explore them in preview and having also visited the real counterpart we can say that the experience is truly impressive. The impression is truly that of being inside the campus, in an extraordinarily faithful reproduction, complete with a themed reproduction of the Orto Tintorio of the Milan location.

Particular credit must be given to the choice of how to separate the two areas, about 600km away in the real world. In NABAland, in fact, the two campuses are divided by a canal which simultaneously represents the Nextfrom which the banks are taken, and the Navigliorecalled by a reproduction of one of the most recognizable bridges in the Milan area.

NABAland is a project with enormous possibilities

and fortnite campus and land

Emanuele Lomello explained the importance of this initiative for the academy as follows:

“This project is really very important for us. Fortnite offers a wide range of tools to allow anyone to design games and experiences: for us and for our students it does not represent a simple platform on which we can put into practice the know-how and skills acquired during our studies in some areas, such as game design and game development, 2D and 3D animation and modeling, character design, creative technology or UX design. It is also a way to fit into one of the most innovative platforms and give space and visibility to our students and their digital projects.”

It is of course about a project that does not end here, in the “simple” detailed reproduction of the campuses. Currently, in addition to being able to visit the areas (including the internal environments, from the classrooms to the laboratories to the bar!) an interactive experience is available for 3 vs 3 battles and many more will be added in the coming months. But the most important aspect is to have built a foundation on which we can build in the future, giving students the opportunity to give vent to your creativity and test yourself with new media and teaching tools.

and fortnite campus and landOf course, seen on the LEDwall right inside the NABA laboratories, the effect is even more exciting…

As anticipated, you can already explore the NABA campuses on Fortnite, following the instructions on the dedicated page. Soon it will be possible to find out more during the next one NABA Open Day scheduled for November 11, during the JOB&East of Verona and in a dedicated space during the Milan Games Week.

NABA campuses on Fortnite as a way to break down walls

and fortnite campus and land

Lomello also explained how “The idea with a digital version of NABA inside Fortnite is to understand how to help students to ensure that they break walls. Barriers that in some way are now non-existent but despite this they still limit us in our vision. For example, we often consider the world of fashion and the world of gaming to be very distant, but in reality the software that is used for character design is the same that is then used to make the paper patterns which are then used for the actual creation of the clothes in the tailor’s shop. costumes.

Sometimes different imaginaries tend not to allow people who actually have very similar skills to communicate. So building an environment that starts from the gaming world but then becomes something else can be an excuse to establish not only a platform but also a common language. We have grammar, we get lost in preconceptions. Why not start breaking them?

and fortnite campus and land

This is one of the objectives we have here at the academy with the project we called NABAland. In the end they are territories that ‘belong’ to NABA. Sometimes they are physical like the campus, sometimes they can be the exhibition of projects that develop kids, of gaming experiences that take you through portals into completely different contexts. And above all we are uniting two important NABA campuses such as Milan and Rome, which are physically far away, but which can be close on Fortnite.”

So if you are curious about find out more about this projectamong the first in the world to be created by an academy, run immediately to explore NABA campuses on Fortnite!

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.